Just got the 30 Day Shred

I just got it today and am going to start the workout tomorrow since I already went to the gym today. But I wanted to see what the DVD had in store for me. And I see that there are 3 levels. So, my question is this; do I do all 3 or only level one? Not back to back of course, but do I do them all in one day and if not, when do I move on to levels 2 and 3? I have never had a workout DVD before so I kind of want to know what you guys do and how the DVD is working out for you guys.



  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    I am starting in tomorrow too !!! I cant wait !! You can watch it on You tube and get an idea also that is what i did !!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    You'll want to start with level 1. If you master that pretty quickly, then the next time you do it, try level 2, and so on. It's designed to be a complete workout in 20 minutes and it will kick your butt!!! Now that I go to the gym I haven't used it in a long time, but I like having it just in case I don't get up there to give myself a quick kick in the pants when I need it! Jillian rocks!
  • jadedjade24
    well, I did give it a look, thats how I know there is 3 levels. I just wanted to know how other people take them. all in the same day or what...lol. Im confused.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Level 1 for 10 days. Then Level 2 for 10 days. Then Level 3 for 10 days.

    You may find that you struggle in the beginning and choose to follow Anita, the girl on the right side of the screen who does the smaller movements or modified versions. Over 10 days you build up to where you are following Natalie on the Left side of the screen, who does all the power movements and totally gives'er! And then you move on to the next level after the 10 days.

    Many people finish the 30 days and then go back and do it with one of her other videos (No More Trouble Zones or Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism) or do 2 levels back to back. I'm personally on Level 3 and am working to do the circuits like Natalie does!

    Good luck - I really love this dvd!!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I will be on day 4 of the 30 day shred tomorrow-the way I understand it is that you do level 1 for the 1st 10 days then go to level 2 for the next 10 days then level 3 the last 10-but you can modify-if you feel ready to bump up levels or go down levels you can in any amt of days-but the 10 days on each level is the recommendations-good luck!! I love it so far-def a good workout that's for sure!!
  • llstrength
    llstrength Posts: 44 Member
    well, I did give it a look, thats how I know there is 3 levels. I just wanted to know how other people take them. all in the same day or what...lol. Im confused.

    I ordered it! I'm waiting for it to come in the mail. I plan on doing level one for ten days, then moving on the level two. After ten days of level two, I'll move on to level three for ten days. Unless it's really easy/hard (most likely it'll be hard for me). Then I'll just adjust according to my ability.

    That's my plan anyway.
    Good luck!
  • car_hartt
    at I plan to do is level 1 for 10 days, level 2 the next 10 and level 3 the final.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I do my 30-day shed differently. I am still on level 1 and have been for about 30 days now, but I do level 2 twice a week. I am very out of shape and haven't been to the gym in years, so I am slowly getting used to exercising again. I would do level 1 until you are comfortable enough to do move on. With level 1, I am mainly following Natalie now (the advance version), so soon I will be doing only level 2. Do it at your own pace. If you can handle doing all 3 levels in 30 days, go fo it. I just do my differently. Good luck and yes, Jillian will kick you butt!!! She is awesome.