joyouswiggle Member


  • Thanks guys! I like the sound of a pair of "skinny jeans" - I take it you're thinking of a pair of jeans in a size down that I can "slim into"? Must admit, the idea of giving up my wardrobe does scare me slightly - but then if I do go down a clothes size (most of my stuff is 12/14, but I would love to get down to an 8/10!)…
  • Not so much something not fitting, but noticing any clothes which showed my stomach (bikinis, tight tops) really didn't look right on my spare tyre. Now I'm tackling it, I should look a lot better in a few months!
  • I'm a big fan, I find it really peps me up! Sure you're aware from the literature out there to be careful of adding lots of sugar to juices. I'm using a centrifugal juicer, tend to get about 2 pints of juice a time (I log this using Campbells V8 juice on the assumption that calories would be about the same) from the…