

  • Good man! 8KG is no easy task glad you're achieving your fat loss target so well! Keep pushing, keep eating right and maintain good company during this journey it will happen for you! Best wishes, Duane
  • Born and bred in the beautiful Sevenoaks! resident in Greenhite! Where are you from and where do you train glad to see other 'Kenties' Let's link on here and keep one and other boosted!
    in Kent, Comment by iDare87 June 2013
  • Ah another member of the prestigious (and overly priced) Reebok gym? Yes post work drinks are the BIGGEST killer of any fitness gains made or to be made. I've had to force the issue now with my 12 weeks of no down 11 to a few more diet pepsi's :cry:
  • Stick to the basics bagged fruit and veg will see you through! I stick to the simply range when it comes to basic fruits n veg not because of being cash-strapped but out of principle...fruit is fruit...veg is veg...snack on them and mini pots of peanuts...if you have to buy salted you can rinse them off.