TD_BC Member


  • Thanks for your support everyone :)
  • 34lb down doing an 18/6 cycle every's working for me!
  • The gorgeous little black dress I brought on the Champs Elysee in Paris no longer fits!!! Might have to plan a "goal reached" trip back to Paris... :)
  • Kootenay Rockies! Invermere, BC
    in Canadian eh? Comment by TD_BC July 2013
  • I live on a ski resort/ mountain bike & golf resort, so this ^^ is my problem every day! I have found that an 18/6 every day lifestyle works for me, in conjunction with watching calories (try to stick to 1200-1500/day, realistically hit 1500/day more often than not though!). I don't have 2 fast days of 500 cals because it…
  • Another Intermittent Fasting fan here on an 18/6 cycle - no breakfast for me, fasted morning work outs using the existing fat that I already conveniently have for fuel instead of food I've just put in my's working for me! Check out the IF group for more info, but good luck with whichever lifestyle plan works…
  • I'm definitely a morning girl. Roll out of bed, weigh myself ( that's the best motivator for me!), then straight to the gym. I'm usually on the elliptical for about half an hour before I really wake up and by then my workouts almost done, so it works well for me. Then I feel great for the rest of the day knowing I started…
  • I'd also recommend having a look at the Intermittent Fasting group pages. Lots of info in there on how to reach your caloric intake whilst on a 16/8 period like you're doing.
  • Lucky you being on vacation!!! Take time out of the day for yourself, go for a walk and re-connect with a different person each time. My favourite holiday walks are for an hour or so with Mum or my sister, and by walking instead of sitting around, you're acheiving both quality time and exercise - for both of you! I…
  • I'm doing 18/6 IF, and lost 4lb in the last 7 days. I'm eating 1200-1500 cals/day and doing 45 -60 mins on Elliptical 6 times/wk. To compare, when I wasn't taking any notice of feeding/fasting times, but exercising the same and eating the same amount of calories each day, I was only losing 1-2lb / week. There's lots of…