

  • Absolutely NOT. It is NOT abuse by any meaning of the word. Since when did it become the responsibility of others to make sure someone stays healthy? That actually makes me mad that someone would even consider it to be abuse in the first place. Every single person out there, including myself, is responsible for their own…
  • Personally, I find bathing a great way to relax, be it in the mornings, or after a hard day. Luckily, when we bought our house, my wife demanded that we get a whirlpool tub, so that helps a lot. I, however, do not take baths to get clean. Even when I'm going to take a bath, I'll generally soak for a while and play on my…
  • I'm sorry, but I find this topic and title especially ridiculous. It doesn't take a genus to figure out what's healthy and what's not. Also, eating in moderation doesn't make someone fat. Eating bad foods excessively and to the point you're full every time does. That can't be blamed on anyone other than each person who…
  • I think I'm really going to regret this, but I'm the guy holding his son in the picture.
  • This may be a little long, so I apologize in advance. I wasn't really given any advice for losing weight. I had always struggled with my weight to some degree, all the way back to high school, however I was never really obese, I just needed to lose a few pounds. Finally, one day I got myself in gear and got into the best…
  • This is just my opinion, but I think you're being overly sensitive and you're looking to blame stuff on the men around you. That's the way the post came off to me. I get what you're saying about feeling like he underestimated your strength, but at the same time, obviously he really didn't, if you were having that much of…
  • Sure it does, otherwise you wouldn't have went out of your way to show how 'valuable' you've been. You're a 24 year old kid that knows nothing about how to interact with others around him, and who always has to have the last word. Enjoy living your life like that.
  • I don't use cheat days at all. I have found certain things in my diet that afford me to still eat the things that I like. If I want pizza, then I'll generally have a Lean Cuisine deep dish pizza, which clocks in at 380 calories for the entire thing, and that's generally enough to fill me up for lunch or dinner. I like…
  • It's like this, if you cheat, it's going to set you back, plain and simple. How much it sets you back is determined by what you eat, how much you eat, and how much you go over your daily calorie goal. I'm not saying this works for everyone, but for me it does. I train like an athlete and I do not have cheat days. I watch…