Is around 200 carbs/day considered as a lot??



  • Hey =) you should try to lower your carbs to somewhere around 165. Don't worry about the weight gain most of the time it's just water weight and it's temporary. As long as you're following your diet plan you should be fine. Best of luck!
    Don't make recommendations without even looking at the persons diary or even given an explanation.

    OP, first off you barely eat 1200 calories, most days you are in the 1000 range. 1200 is probably to low as it is, 1000-1100 is definitely to low. Have you calculated your TDEE? You really need to be eating more food.

    For some people 200g of carbs is to much, for some it's to few. It comes down to personal preference.
    You barely eat any fat? 20-30 grams a day is way to low. You need to eat more fat.
    You also barely get any protein in. That needs to increase.

    Protein - 1g per 1lb of lbm
    Fat - .4-.5g x body weight
    Carbs - Fill with remaining calories or distribute a little more towards fat and protein. Whatever you want.

    Good advice right there, I hat to start eating more to shed the fat, didn't realize I was eating so little and killing my metabolism, you need to eat a lot of protein and some fat so it can be absorbed. Eat more!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Considering your calorie goal is 1200 I'd say YES that is high. You need more protein and fat and that has to come from somewhere; your carbs.

  • An MD degree has no impact on any of this. Doctors, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers are all clueless in the grand scheme of things.

    What kind of stratospheric qualifications do you have to make such a blanket statement?

    I have a large, large base of knowledge. Not gained through reading out-dated text books and passing a few exams which require a tick or a cross to pass.

    Good day.

    You are also only 24.... I remember being 24 and thinking I knew a lot, and in the last 6 years I have learned I really knew nothing.

    OP, Eat more food. Calories in vs Calories out works, I have friends who eat more than 200g of carbs a day and lose weight so you should be fine. Never put an ONLY in front of your weight loss either, go get 7 pounds of anything at the grocery store and carry it around for a while, you will notice the 7 pounds.

    The fact you've even mentioned my age, shows your mental immaturity. That is all.

    I was reading this thread and had kept my mouth shut until I saw this. Richie, you're just a rude little jerk, and you constantly have to make sure that you've got the last word in, regardless. You have literally attacked (not corrected) every person in this thread that said anything that you didn't agree with. Someone mentioned your age? From an outside perspective, your age absolutely shows, and you prove it more and more with every comment you make.

    If the girl was wrong, then she was wrong. There are ways to correct someone without being the rude little douche that you've proven yourself to be from start to finish. You don't have the right mentality or attitude to offer someone advice.

    Now, I'll sit back and watch you respond to this comment, because you can't stop yourself from doing so.

    A rude little jerk? I've helped over 100 people in the past 2 days and will transform their lives, your opinion of me does not really matter, though.

    Sure it does, otherwise you wouldn't have went out of your way to show how 'valuable' you've been. You're a 24 year old kid that knows nothing about how to interact with others around him, and who always has to have the last word. Enjoy living your life like that.