

  • Just saw you had completed your run. Awesome. Congrats. Hope you had fun and sign up for many more.
  • I bought a Garmin GPS watch, Forerunner10. Love it. And yes, as said before by someone else, I've noticed that some fun runs don't come out to a full 5K. I've had two at 4.8K and one at 4.5K. A way I verify this also is to map it on Google Earth and on RunKeeper afterwards. All of these races didn't have course maps…
  • My thought as far as it relates to me (because I'm no running expert but I'm enjoying the thrill of it) is SURE, it's doable. In the 5K, you may be a little sore and slower than normal, but if you have all day between the two... I know my recovery time even for a 10K is generally quick and I've been doing 10Ks since the…
  • Do it! Just be aware that some races are more walker friendly than others. I always look at race websites or races I'm not familiar with and compare last years results with my average time to see where I'd stack up. More times than not, there appear to be tons of walkers. But I have come across a few where everyone ran a…