

  • This sounds delicious! I'm definitely going to make this for our monthly supper club, next week. Thanks for sharing!
  • Oh my, yes they can be deceiving. Here's a little insight from a girl who used to work at Arby's in highschool (long time ago). The wheat bread that you think is healthy is pumped with sugar. The turkey has been roasting in it's own fat juices for at least a couple hours. And I'm betting that they put a butter-substitute…
  • No, not at all! I'm always so surprised when I hear people with a running background think that they can't do a long distance goal. You can totally do this! I've never been in track, and never had a "runner's body" but I took up running a few years ago, and ended up doing 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and even one marathon.…