

  • Hey welcome! It's always nice to see new people my age joining. Are you going to school anywhere? You can add me as well if you would like.
  • I honestly think I am too! who would've
  • Haha I started feeling the same way. It actually makes it more fun to start meeting new people on this site.
  • This just made me feel so much better. It's my tom too and I am a lot more hungry. It's so hard to stay away from unnecessary snacking!
    in TOM question Comment by adurk March 2011
  • I'm a college student too! Welcome, good luck with everything! :]
  • I am obsessed with zumba! It's such a good workout and its fun. Everyone in the class motivates each other and good instructors really know how to push you.
  • This is awesome how you can motivate each other on this site. Lord knows I won't get any from my friends at school who never watch what they eat let alone workout. My roommate doesn't even know what the workout facility on campus looks like inside!
    in Hey there :] Comment by adurk March 2011
  • I have tried it! It is amazing. Granted it doesn't have quite the same taste or consistency as normal peanut butter but 2 tbs mixed with 1 tbs of water has like close to 10 grams of fat less and less calories. I think it tastes just as good. I haven't found it in stores either, I heard you can order it online. I believe…
    in PB2 Comment by adurk March 2011
  • I have been having exactly the same problem! Granted I don't work out for that long but I workout on average 5-6 days a week for an hour to and hour and a half a session and I haven't lost much more weight. Everyone keeps telling me to eat more but I feel like if I eat all my normal daily calories plus my exercise that its…
  • hey have you started using the 6 week 6 pack video?? I was debating getting that myself if it seemed like it would work.
  • I'm dealing with the same problems being a broke college student. Besides a lot of fruits and veggies I love things like progresso soup which is cheap and filling and low in calories, frozen veggie steamers because they are cheap as well and won't go bad like fresh veggies, and sometimes I get lean cuisines because they're…
  • I'm in too! :] Starting weight: 148 Goal Weight: 138 3/17: 3/24: 3/31: 4/7: 4/14: <<<mini goal>>> 145 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal>>> 141 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal>>>138