macielittle Member


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  • I didn't realize I'd have to explain that high cholesterol (just to be clear I am referring to LDL not HDL) is bad for you and that even without heart disease being a genetic factor it can be the result of high cholesterol. What it comes down to is that if my husband did not change his eating habits he could have heart…
  • My husband is 6'1" and weighs between 150-160 and he eats whatever he wants. He has a great metabolism. Does eating McDoubles, pizza or ice cream make him fat? NO. Does it make him healthy? NO. His most recent blood panel showed he had high cholesterol. He does not have diabetes, no hypothyroid (or hyper for that matter)…
  • After finishing week 4 I knew I wasn't ready to handle week 5. Instead I did some previous week runs (but faster and with more ease) last week and on Monday I ran for as long as I thought was safe (I was doing a cleanse) without stopping or looking and it turned out that I ran 10 minutes straight and I know I could have…
  • I think you need to separate your house work/farm work/ work work from exercise. You literally need to dedicate 1/2 an hour a day 3 times a week (at least) to exercise for the sake of exercise rather than those other things. I also am not trying to be harsh, and I truly don't think anyone else here is either. The fact that…
  • Hi Claudia! I'm Mara and I'm 33 with 2 children and like you and Nicci am the only one that really struggles with my weight in my family. I'd be happy to be support friends too! I joined after losing 10 lbs and am down an additional 12.
  • Of course she has her own Isagenix website; she uses the product and the cheapest way to buy it is to buy it wholesale. They give you a FREE website when you buy it wholesale. That doesn't mean she intends to promote it. In addition, Christi never stated whether or not she is interested in the MLM aspect...that was an…
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chromosome 6 condition as is diabetes. Has the doctor checked you for diabetes?
  • I was diagnosed hypothyroid in 2010. It had a direct effect on everything from energy levels to cholesterol levels. Once I was properly medicated I lost a good amount of weight, but there is still weight that I am now working to take off. It is harder to lose weight now than it used to be but don't get discouraged. If the…