Photorock Member


  • Please don't be too discouraged1 My weight often fluctuates by 5 lbs! That's why I only count my Thursday weigh in. And its been slowly going down every week.Don't quit ! You CAN do this!!!!
  • Get your sleep! Seven or eight hours a night. At least! I go to bed in my workout clothes, so I'm ready for our morning walk! You got a lot of good responses to your question. You're a wonderful person. So keep on keeping on! We are all rooting for you! You be your own best cheerleader! I'll pray for your motivation to…
  • But definitely! I'm off to a Lake MI party soon and hope I stay strong!
    in General Comment by Photorock July 2013
  • Hi Judy, my name is Roxanne. I joined my fitness pal, three or four weeks ago for the first time. My husband and I. also have our own business. I also work out for to six times a week and go for a walk every morning with my husband. I've lost 10 pounds so far, but have many more to go. I have four children, ages 22, 30,…
  • Hi I'm also looking for support. I joined fitnesspall, three or four weeks ago and have already lost 10 pounds! I really need support to stay with the program. I have a lot more to lose. 10 pounds is just a spit in the bucket! I am going to be 60 August 12! I'm 5 foot 2 and I weigh 230 pounds. I would like to weigh 150…