ealtynova Member


  • Hi! I'm a medical student and have already racked up around $100 grand worth of loans from 2 years of getting my masters in graduate school and my first year in medical school. I'm looking at probably at least another $200 grand over . So I feel for you on the student loans thing! I'm still fairly new to this loan process…
  • All good points made below but I got the impression and correct me if I'm wrong, that you didn't really change anything too drastically in your health habits (eating, exercising or sleeping) so I thought I'd give you just another piece of information to think about, since the posts below pretty much covered what you should…
  • I am in a very similar situation. In fact, I pulled an all nighter two nigths ago and thought I would crash last night but ended up not being able to sleep AT ALL. I'm not sure if this helps you, but I'm on a very strict diet where by the time I go to sleep I am essentially starving (I know unhealthy). But it goes both…