Barbs2222 Member


  • Your friend is a negative person. Don't listen. It's like people telling you shouldn't bother doing anything you want because nobody makes it. It's sad really. Don't try to be a singer song writer, only 1%? of the population makes it. Or don't try to get into the school you want, they won't except you. It's the kind of…
  • It took me 51 days for the first 10 pounds. After that it got even slower. Now that I'm close to goal it's taking around 3 weeks to lose 1/2 pound.
  • OP I feel the same way when I'm weighing and measuring. I find it hurtful when they want some of my carefully weighed food because to me when I'm trying so hard, it feels like they're not being supportive of my efforts. Lack of support yep that's what hurts my feelings. If you feel like sharing you could maybe weigh the…
  • Your doing great :smile: I bet you feel wonderful! I like the weights under your tv.
  • Even if it all counted it would not be a big deal. 100 grams spaghetti squash = 31 calories so multiplied by 5 and it's only 155 calories. If it was a really sweet one it might be 34 calories per 100 grams.
  • This. I could not stay in a deficit until I found intermittent fasting. Some people like to eat all day, some like to eat 3 meals, some feel better with high protein less carbs, some people eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. I could go on and on here. So you have to play with it and find out what works for you. Weighing…
  • This is not my business to say to you at all because I don't know you, so please don't take this the wrong way, but when I was 18 I started taking birth control pills. I gained like 15 pounds and I was also hungry all the time. I just started suffering with it but when I stopped taking them at 23 the weight just dropped…
  • I was the same way, every time I started a *diet* I'd fall off because I was miserable. Then I found intermittent fasting, it works really well for me. So this time if something isn't working for you maybe you should find a different way of cutting calories. Some people like to eat the traditional 3 meals a day. Some like…
  • Stop Eating For The Day!...Now will you all tell me to get off my *kitten* and out of the forums and get my steps in?
  • 32 / 100 = .32 * 108 = 34.56. So the 100 gram entry is close enough because strawberries are such a low calorie food. I Love strawberries!!! :)
  • I have to cook for myself with my husband and kids around. Nobody in this household likes the same foods. Daughter - vegetarian, husband - low salt, low sugar, son just plain picky. But if someone brings takeaway into the house they have to go eat it in a bedroom, because yeah, I will get into too. Give me some Chips!!! ;)…
  • Strawberries, raw 100 grams 32 calories.
  • I am so going to watch this tread because I'm in the same boat. 5'5 and 125. I'm lucky though, I don't really have cellulite but I diffidently have a muffin top and arms that flap. A bit of extra weight on my thighs, I'm pretty sure people will tell us to lift heavy and eat protein. I'm a volume eater so I pretty much only…
  • Nuts, avocado, cheese.
  • Intermittent fasting for me 18/6. I'm too full right now to attack that birthday cake in the kitchen.
  • My post might get taken down because your not suppose to promote stuff on here but I have a friend who has this problem and she looks at this web site a lot. I do too when I cook for her. I personally don't know anything about it.
  • My problem too. I have a couple beers then I switch to drinking vodka and club soda with lemon or lime. A few less calories.
  • 3rd that but I'll add that I love soup.
  • You should invite your mom to join mfp so she can read the forums. Just wondering, does your mom buy your food? Is she overweight or carb counting and just wants a "dieting" buddy? Just keep repeating to her CICO until she gets it. Good luck!
  • Hi, this is not a protein powder but I just ran across this the other day. Pacific Bone broth, it says it has 9 grams of protein for only 45 calories. No salt added. I posted this in another tread but no one answered me. It seems to be too good to be true? Looking for verification here. I make bone broth all the time and…
  • When I was young I went out clubbing a lot. I'm a beer drinker so what I did was fill up my beer bottle with water a few times a night. Less calories and not so much of a hangover then. Plus the water was free and drinks out in the clubs are pricey. We also danced our *kitten* off to burn some of the calories. Stay safe…
  • This is one of my favorite pictures I found on the internet.
  • The weight I've lost so far all came off with just cutting calories. Just like you 1200 or less a day. I only gained some back over the holidays because I ate over maintenance. I'm trying to get more steps in a day but that's pretty much the only exercise. It was slow though, on a good week I'd lose 1/2 a pound. Many weeks…
  • I've been 18:6 for a couple years now. I lost 30 pounds the first year and 8 the 2nd year. Gained a couple back over the holidays. I'm hoping to finally make it to my goal sometime this year. I love I.F. and I'll never go back to eating 1st thing in the morning. The thing that helps me the most in the winter is a bit of…
  • I love potato soup. Three simple ingredients, bone broth, potatoes and milk. Simple for a day you might be feeling worn out. Sorry about your teeth but I love your attitude, You got this!
  • I like bone broth mixed with chicken broth to hold me over until my meal. Maybe not a question for this thread but I buy Pacific brand bone broth and it says 9 grams of protein for 45 calories. That seems way too good to be true and considering I have a hard time meeting my protein goals, idk, this could solve my protein…
  • What I love about this site is that I've learned a one size fits all "diet" doesn't exist. Some people like to eat 6 times a day. Some people like to eat once, like me. Some do keto some like to eat what they like just smaller amounts. I think that everyone would agree that eating within your calories by weighing and…
  • I enter my weight on mfp on either Saturday or Sunday and a lot of the times I'm entering something more than I actually weighed that morning. But it's the average and that's what I do, lol.