Fiber is your friend. Beans are high fiber and usually pretty good on carbs and protein. If you're literally full of fiber, you won't have much of an appetite. A serving of Oreos (3 cookies) has 160 calories. For a while, I was rewarding myself with oreos every day I stuck to my diet. It's not hard to carve out an extra…
Everybody talks about how many calories you should eat in a day because its simple. Your body doesn't care what you eat in a day. It cares what you eat in a week/month/year. If you splurged a little, forget about it. If you splurged a LOT (like 1000 calories), you can eat fewer calories for the next month by a little and…
Whole chickens are usually dirt cheap. I can usually find them for $0.89/lb. They're pretty simple to break down: You can use the carcass to make stock which doesn't need to be used for soup. You can add it to a lot of dishes to add flavor with almost no added calories. We feed 5…