Constantly hungry!!!!

Our main problem when eating at a deficit is that we tend to get hungry easily. Please share some filling, low calorie meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Feel free to post pictures, and give tips! I know I am always hungry! So this should help me out a ton! Also, low calorie desserts are welcome as well. I have a sweet tooth towards chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, cake, and oreos! What are some alternatives to these dieters worst nightmares! Be creative!


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Can of tuna. Don't really think I need to provide a picture given I think everyone knows what a can of tuna looks like.

    12 oz can of tuna, 250 calories...something like 60 grams of protein. That'll fill you up.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm about to dig into a large Cold Stone Creamery ice cream cake.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    Large Salad with Grilled chicken. In my experience protein is what keeps me from feeling hungry
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm about to dig into a large Cold Stone Creamery ice cream cake.

    Congrats, I'm sure that will help them.
  • LiveForTheWilderness
    LiveForTheWilderness Posts: 57 Member
    When I first began dieting and correcting my lifestyle, I ate normally but just did portion control to maintain a deficit. Despite eating lots of fiber (recommended for feeling sated), I often still felt hungry. Since switching to the keto diet 6 weeks ago, I rarely feel hungry and when I do, it is easily controlled with a high fat meal or drink, such as a high fat coffee. Keto has made dieting very, very easy.
  • Haiyaku
    Haiyaku Posts: 26
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm about to dig into a large Cold Stone Creamery ice cream cake.

    Congrats, I'm sure that will help them.

    I think his point is that the OP's clear fear of anything sweet is unwarranted. You can eat cake and ice cream and be fit, its not an either/or proposition.
  • jessicacummin
    jessicacummin Posts: 12 Member
    you must try bulgar wheat! An 80 gram serving is around 93kcal with only a fat trace and around 4g of protein. I have started using this as an alternative to couscous and it is brilliant - if you also mix into it scrambled egg whites it is a meal which is high in protein with barely any fat - it is also very filling!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    you must try bulgar wheat! An 80 gram serving is around 93kcal with only a fat trace and around 4g of protein. I have started using this as an alternative to couscous and it is brilliant - if you also mix into it scrambled egg whites it is a meal which is high in protein with barely any fat - it is also very filling!

    What's wrong with fat?

    (assuming one has no medical reason to avoid dietary fat, of course)
  • Haiyaku
    Haiyaku Posts: 26
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?
  • Haiyaku
    Haiyaku Posts: 26
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?

    I do eat, I eat first and work the calories off, I just eat minimal calories that can be lost quite easily for me
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?

    I do eat, I eat first and work the calories off, I just eat minimal calories that can be lost quite easily for me

    You seemed to be suggesting that you substituted water for meals. I took that to imply that whenever you were capable of willing yourself to do so you avoided food. I took that to mean you were probably undereating. As long as you are netting 1700 or so calories then its no worries. If you are eating 600 calories when your goal is 2000 as your diary implies then that is a major issue. If you are doing so by substituting drinking water for eating then that is a good road to an eating disorder.
  • jessicacummin
    jessicacummin Posts: 12 Member
    Nothing at all! Just I used to avoid too much of it when I first started my weight loss, I love it now but I know a lot of people shy away from fat.

    If you do like a bit of fat, you must try porridge with Flaxseed - it's so so filling
  • Haiyaku
    Haiyaku Posts: 26
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?

    I do eat, I eat first and work the calories off, I just eat minimal calories that can be lost quite easily for me

    You seemed to be suggesting that you substituted water for meals. I took that to imply that whenever you were capable of willing yourself to do so you avoided food. I took that to mean you were probably undereating. As long as you are netting 1700 or so calories then its no worries. If you are eating 600 calories when your goal is 2000 as your diary implies then that is a major issue. If you are doing so by substituting drinking water for eating then that is a good road to an eating disorder.

    Sorry for the confusion D; I'm pretty tired at the moment. My calorie average should be 1200 I think and for some reason I see that
    As a go to stay under ? I just want to lose the weight and even though this is my fifth day of eating in the same way and I reckon I've found myself a pretty solid routine.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?

    I do eat, I eat first and work the calories off, I just eat minimal calories that can be lost quite easily for me

    You seemed to be suggesting that you substituted water for meals. I took that to imply that whenever you were capable of willing yourself to do so you avoided food. I took that to mean you were probably undereating. As long as you are netting 1700 or so calories then its no worries. If you are eating 600 calories when your goal is 2000 as your diary implies then that is a major issue. If you are doing so by substituting drinking water for eating then that is a good road to an eating disorder.

    Good job handling this thread. I don't even have to say anything.

    Bonus points: anyone who disagrees with you is obviously just too hungry to logic.
  • ppardee
    ppardee Posts: 3
    Fiber is your friend. Beans are high fiber and usually pretty good on carbs and protein. If you're literally full of fiber, you won't have much of an appetite.

    A serving of Oreos (3 cookies) has 160 calories. For a while, I was rewarding myself with oreos every day I stuck to my diet. It's not hard to carve out an extra 160 calories during the day unless you're eating a lot of processed foods. You can eat anything you want to eat.. you just can't eat everything you want to eat (or as much as you want)
  • Msharp2587
    Msharp2587 Posts: 2
    Eat a whole grain with every meal for instance quinoa or whole wheat pasta . I used to always be hungry and my nutritionist suggested adding whole grains to my meals and i have found I am less hungry since I did this
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3

    Your response to your body telling you it needs fuel is to ignore it and instead perform an activity that will make it require more fuel. Does this strike you as a healthy approach to food?

    I do eat, I eat first and work the calories off, I just eat minimal calories that can be lost quite easily for me

    You seemed to be suggesting that you substituted water for meals. I took that to imply that whenever you were capable of willing yourself to do so you avoided food. I took that to mean you were probably undereating. As long as you are netting 1700 or so calories then its no worries. If you are eating 600 calories when your goal is 2000 as your diary implies then that is a major issue. If you are doing so by substituting drinking water for eating then that is a good road to an eating disorder.

    Sorry for the confusion D; I'm pretty tired at the moment. My calorie average should be 1200 I think and for some reason I see that
    As a go to stay under ? I just want to lose the weight and even though this is my fifth day of eating in the same way and I reckon I've found myself a pretty solid routine.

    1200 calories is the bare minimum recommended for a sedentary woman. Most people can actually be eating more and still losing weight. I see in another thread that you were advocating for people to eat 800 calories and that is just too little. The less you eat the harder it's going to be to get all of the nutrients your body needs into your diet (fat, protein, vitamins & minerals, etc).

    There are a few cases where a VLCD might be appropriate in obese patients, but always under the supervision of a doctor.

    Please do some reading and reconsider your goals: