

  • on average for a 20 min interval run i burn between 300/400 calories which is about the same as what i get if i was to do a 30 mninute steady jog. I think alternating between the two is good as you said as interval running if done properly is not something to be done more than 2/3 times a week!! but the interval sprints…
  • I'm a very keeen runner, and wear my polar most times to track heart rate and calories burned. I alternate between long runs and HIIT runs, which u do for a shorter time and is quite hard. I will warm up jog for 5/10 mins then alternate jogging and running for 20 minutes, I'll jog for 1 minute 30 seconds then sprint for 30…
  • definately cake.......or flapjack.....or gallaxy lol.......probs a lot more tooo lol