joggging/running/walking only please!



  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I live in NE Georgia and while we have some mountains they are hills compared to the Rockies, but I love trail running! The trees block wind and that helps a lot in cold weather. It rarely gets to single digit temps here so I can trail run year round. I can take temps in the teens much better than nineties (or eighties even.) I don't listen any music; the woods are just too magnificent to intrude upon. I run in a secluded area and can let my dogs run off leash which is another reason to avoid music - got to keep track of my girls! Like several others I use the Runkeeper app; it’s not really a necessity for me, but it is neat. My pace is embarrassing but I'm getting a workout and enjoying myself. I do some sprints and such to make up for my normal slow pace. Trail running brings fitness and incredible peace of mind - give it a try if that is an option for you. I do have to drive 20 min to the trail so I could save a lot of time by running out the door, but for me it is well worth it. Enjoy!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I use Cardio Trainer on my Android phone. It tracks a map of your run in real time, shows time, pace, elevation and speed changes and has a voice which will let you know how far you've gone, how many calories you've burned and/or your current speed at set intervals during your work out. You can post your results, including the map, to Facebook or to Twitter. It also has a widget to show how many calories you've burned in the last 7 days and a scheduler so you can schedule your workouts and track which days you've worked out. In addition to easily logging walks, runs and bike rides, you can manually add any other workouts you do (stationary bike, etc.). I love it!
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I tend to just use a pedometre and mapmyrun to track my walking. I can work out the distances and time easily and then I chart them on a handwritten (shock!horror!) training log. I'm still able to chart my progress from month to month and see when my low dips are in the month and how much my speed has improved. It doesn't have to be terribly complicated, but it's probably just one of those areas where I'm a bit of a Luddite!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    One thing you do have for you is you live in MN. You have all the state park trails and lakes you can run around. I have found that if I run outside I can not run on/beside a road as they are too distracting. I prefer to find a wooded trail and put my headphones on and just go. I have also found running on grass or dirt saves the knees compared to running on pavement. Also maybe see if you can find someone else in your area to run with, that way you can push eachother that extra little bit.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi, and congratulations for getting out there running! I've cobbled together all my running advice into this blog entry, "20 things I wish I’d known about running when I started". Hope there's something there that helps:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I started running about a year ago. I started out very slow. Really very very slow! I did my first 10k in Sept last year - got 64 minutes, which was one of the slowest people round the track (I think I was 70th from last in a race of 460, so pretty rubbish). Anyway, I kept going. Am now doing about 30km a week, and have my next 10k in 12 days! I am aiming for 50 mins this time.

    Good shoes, start slow, and push yourself when you feel you can would be my advice. And a good bra, that's vital.
  • I'm a very keeen runner, and wear my polar most times to track heart rate and calories burned. I alternate between long runs and HIIT runs, which u do for a shorter time and is quite hard. I will warm up jog for 5/10 mins then alternate jogging and running for 20 minutes, I'll jog for 1 minute 30 seconds then sprint for 30 seconds and so on for 20 mins then cool down! it gets ur heart rate very high! and is ace for burning calories and toning! you can work up to it by doing walking and jogging intervals. HIIT is really good and kkeeeeps your metabolism up and burning calories for hours even after you've stopped working out :D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm a very keeen runner, and wear my polar most times to track heart rate and calories burned. I alternate between long runs and HIIT runs, which u do for a shorter time and is quite hard. I will warm up jog for 5/10 mins then alternate jogging and running for 20 minutes, I'll jog for 1 minute 30 seconds then sprint for 30 seconds and so on for 20 mins then cool down! it gets ur heart rate very high! and is ace for burning calories and toning! you can work up to it by doing walking and jogging intervals. HIIT is really good and kkeeeeps your metabolism up and burning calories for hours even after you've stopped working out :D

    Can I ask how many cals you burn doing interval training? I have been alternating between long endurance runs and 30 minutes intervals (2 sets of 5 one minute sprints plus slower recovery in between). What is the difference in calorie burn between interval running and steady state? Does it still work out as a certain no of cals per mile, or do the interval sprints burn more?
  • on average for a 20 min interval run i burn between 300/400 calories which is about the same as what i get if i was to do a 30 mninute steady jog. I think alternating between the two is good as you said as interval running if done properly is not something to be done more than 2/3 times a week!! but the interval sprints keep you burning calories after you've stopped working out i heard due to the effect on ur metabolism. I just find it more exciting than one long steady run! :D
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I started back jogging last April and have kept it up since which is a miracle for me - I usually end up giving up. I started out jogging 2.5 miles and from there I eventually increased to 6 miles. The only thing I can think of that I've done differently this time round is I plan each weeks jogging & tape it to my wardrobe door. For me its a way of seeing what I have to do each day & how long I should be jogging for. I'm up to running 18 miles a week and sometimes I'm have quicker days over same distance but other days I can be going at a snails pace. The main thing is not to give up - even the bad days I feel so much more relaxed after I've been out jogging as its time to myself to listen to nothing (ok apart from me huffing & puffing:blushing: )

    On a positive note - I just completed my 2nd 10k since April and was a whole 4 mins quicker - 63mins 10secs :happy: & I jogged it all :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I did set myself a goal back in April - I picked yesterdays race to compete in so it was like have a goal to test myself - I won't be winning any medals but its nice to achieve something I never thought I would ever be able to do :happy:
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    The biggest tip I ever had was not to beat yourself up (feel bad) if you don't run as well one day. It's OK to walk! You burn as many calories doing a 4 mile walk as you do on a 4 mile run - it just takes longer. Funnily enough once I got that into my head and accepted it, I didn't need to walk anymore and can now comfortably do a 4 mile run most days!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    on average for a 20 min interval run i burn between 300/400 calories which is about the same as what i get if i was to do a 30 mninute steady jog. I think alternating between the two is good as you said as interval running if done properly is not something to be done more than 2/3 times a week!! but the interval sprints keep you burning calories after you've stopped working out i heard due to the effect on ur metabolism. I just find it more exciting than one long steady run! :D

    Thanks. I never know what to put for calories. I average about 700 cals per hour running steadily, so half an hour of intervals would be around 400, I guess.
  • Thanks for the advice!
    I live toward the cities so unfortunately its all pavement for me. But I do have family that I get to visit at least once a month that live out in the country, and I just LOVE LOVE:love: running through the countryside! The scenery is amazing and if I could live back there right now I would!
  • So for all you avid runners out there, in your opinion does your diet help with your running or does it not really make a difference? I would like to experiment a little with how diet may affect my running capabilities. I am a vegetarian, so you'd think I would be eating "clean" right? Wrong. Although I've made a step into the right direction for me, I have not been able to kick the processed bad food for me. Honestly, since I've made the switch 6 months ago, I eat MORE processed packaged food than I did before! As alot of meat substitutes are highly processed and most are unable to replicate at home. So I want to hear your intake on this! What kind of food do you eat and does eating 3 or 6 meals really make a difference for you? Is it better to eat before or after you are done running?
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    The biggest tip I ever had was not to beat yourself up (feel bad) if you don't run as well one day. It's OK to walk! You burn as many calories doing a 4 mile walk as you do on a 4 mile run - it just takes longer. Funnily enough once I got that into my head and accepted it, I didn't need to walk anymore and can now comfortably do a 4 mile run most days!

    Hate to be a “corrector” but the idea that walking burns as many calories as running the same distance is a widespread and popular fable. It is often repeated by misinformed trainers and in blogs so many people believe it, but several published scientific studies have thoroughly disproven it. I was just reading about this last night in “Smart Exercise” by Covert Bailey. Running/jogging recruits far more muscle than walking and burns significantly higher calories and has far greater systemic health benefits over walking. Check the MFP database: a 3 mile walk at 3 mph (one hour walking) at my weight burns 266 cal. Running at a 6 mph pace for 30 minutes would cover the same 3 miles but would burn 402 calories. Don't get me wrong, walking is great and I enjoy it as a recovery exercise weekly, but it does not deliver the systemic benefits or calorie burn of running. I am a run-walker myself and advocate adding walk breaks to running for everyone except professional competitive runners. Sorry to be a stickler, but this is one bit if misinformation that needs to be corrected for the benefit of anyone interested in running.
    I do agree with the poster on not beating yourself up if you don't run well on a given day. Certainly walk as needed. Just don't imagine that the health benefits are the same.
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi I started running a couple of months ago and I love it!!! I run on the track they built over the lake I live near - which is 1.7 miles one is great exercise, keep it up!!!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I live in NEPA in the winter I use my wii & HmR for power walking/jogging and in the summer I'll tread water for 2 hours in my pool. For me riunning is out as I had joints removed from my one ankle. Good luck
  • on average for a 20 min interval run i burn between 300/400 calories which is about the same as what i get if i was to do a 30 mninute steady jog. I think alternating between the two is good as you said as interval running if done properly is not something to be done more than 2/3 times a week!! but the interval sprints keep you burning calories after you've stopped working out i heard due to the effect on ur metabolism. I just find it more exciting than one long steady run! :D

    That's a great incentive! Maybe I will look into that!
  • I live in NEPA in the winter I use my wii & HmR for power walking/jogging and in the summer I'll tread water for 2 hours in my pool. For me riunning is out as I had joints removed from my one ankle. Good luck

    Thanks! Great pictures by the way! You're doing great!
  • Hi I started running a couple of months ago and I love it!!! I run on the track they built over the lake I live near - which is 1.7 miles one is great exercise, keep it up!!!

    I bet that's pretty and amazing to run over huh? I go home about once a month which is by Hinckley MN and if I drive another 45 min north I would beable to run on the North Shore. It's so pretty there with all the rock and water and nature that I think I will do that the next time I am home!
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