We teach people in our lives how to treat us...unfortunately some people take advantage but when you continue to allow it that's a choice you are seem like a good person so expect more for yourself:)
look up glory bowls (whitewater restaurant in nelson) and substitute the brown rice for quinoa....amazing!!!!!
You can do something about each thing you complained about... you're not permanently disabled or disfigured. A first step would be maybe finding some things about you that you actually like!! Negativity will just keep you down for life. There are tons of ways to start healing your very sad self image. You really do need to…
If you`re interested in a cleanse you could try one through a naturopath. They are much healthier than the regular ones that are marketed. I know a lot of people say that your body will rid itself of toxins, but that isnt always true. It`s supposed to, for sure but doeskin always happen, especially for people with…
Going to Thailand for 3 and 1/2 weeks with my husband and 2 other couples!!! Leave in just over 2 weeks:)
with spiced rum and baileys :) but...on work days I settle for milk, stevia, vanilla extract and cinnamon.
Wasn't fiction for me!! Had a crippling rare type of arthritis, did the allergy test and cut out all allergens...wheat, dairy, garlic, cassein etc... and my arthritis went away on its own without me having to take the harsh drugs i was given:) I checked out the eat for your blood type diet and it had the same stuff in it…
Nothing will work unless you do, Maya Angelou
Frigging amazing!!!! Wow :)
[ Here is my Kitty Brassos. He passed away in November. He is missed. :(
lol! Franklin him as a kitten: now he is 3.5 years old I didn't want a cat right now in my life but my sister was fostering kittens from the humane society and we fell in love. [/quote]
I switched to Ezekiel bread (needs to be toasted0 and check out Costco, they have tons of wheat and gluten free crackers! They are great with hummus! cutting out the majority of wheat/gluten from my diet has helped with my arthritis and digestive sensitivity:)
Everyone has certain things that just work for them, myth or not keep an open mind and try different things. There are a lot of great tips here:) P.S I don't watch Dr. Oz but he is not a quack for recommending energy work or ayurvedic treatments...I used those therapies plus a naturopath to cure a rare, crippling form of…
I quit August 26 and soooo don't miss it!! I went to a private hypnotherapy session with a friend and we have both been successful. Cost less than smoking for a month and it really took the edge off quitting:)
I feel way better if I eat high protein, low carb and lots of non starchy vegetables. I eat leaner proteins though, just works well for me. I am still able to work long hours and exercise at a high intensity following that style of eating.
If I'm having a hard time with sugar/wheat cravings I switch to high protein and veggies for a bit (low carb/sugar). Works really well for me:)
bump :)
I love sweeter tea's the only thing sweet that I actually like:) I get the vanilla rooibas. It's just a tetley one that you can get at the grocery store. I drink other teas too & sweeten them with stevia or honey:)
bump...humane society fundraiser and they look easy to someone elses house!
It actually does work, I follow quite a few things from my dosha:)
Dont force yourself to eat early, you dont have to eat first thing in the a.m. to get your metabolism going. I feel sick too so just make a protein shake and drink it when I feel like it:) Usually at work around 9 a.m ish, give or take. Can't stomach anything before that!
Its usually the folic acid amounts that can make you nauseous...i used to get super sick then started taking them right at bed time and was fine...