

  • Thank you for your open reply, glad to know what to expect :) Have just ordered up a barbell and dumbell set that I can add to as I get lighter and stronger and I can't thank you enough for your post as you have inspired me to do as you do :) xx
  • Wow!!!! I'm in awe of you and your journey. And now I'm going to search out bigger weights as my tiddly 10pound dumbells pale into comparsion (though I'm only starting). Can I ask if you have loose skin? I've been obese since I was 10 and doubt that after 27 years its going to bounce back as the weight goes, but maybe I'm…
  • At the start I lost 2 stone within a month, which was great, but when I uped my calories to the recommended, a stone went straht back on which disheartned me and then I ended upcoming off plan and putting on another 7pounds over 6 months. Yes its possible to do what you want and I really do hope you have more determination…
  • Here's my main staple of my 'diet' Tuna (tinned) Chicken breasts (buy in bulk from butchers for better value and freeze them when fresh, I slowly 'boil' them, so juicy) Packets of ham Greek yoghurt (Fage is best as its thicker and more satisfying) (also I use zero cal sauces to add to it) Protein grazers (google them) I'm…
  • Welcome to the club six1908 lol. I'm bipolar and the medication is a nightmare for weight gain, and its extremely hard to lose it whilst on the medication, but it is possible. My meds are now at the highest level so thankfully it can't get any worse for me. Everyone says go walking/running, but with our symptoms its hard…
  • I second that one :smile: I do eat protein bread once in a while and love things like zero noodles to bulk my meals out. Went out for a meal with family a few weeks ago and spent the rest of the night lying on the floor due to the carbs. I have far more energy when I have a low carb day and due to taking protein shakes,…
  • Great info and comments everyone. You have all given me inpiration to carry on and I'll give exercise a go and hopefully get rid of inches xx
  • Oh will have to search for stronglifts, hadn't heard of it. Thank you so much, have added you too :) xx
  • Oh you are the same as me, everyone says I suit my weight cos of my build......what I hear is, oh you are fat but you are tall and its all over you.....though I know that they aren't being mean, just saying its an even distribution of jiggly bits lol. My pants/trousers (I'm in the UK) are still the same size though I have…
  • Thank you so much, going to have a nosey at this and give it a go, can't wait to start losing inches xx
  • PinkCupcakes84 i guess 145 pounds x
  • Did you notice what the OP actually asked???? They didn't ask for an opinion, they asked where to buy!!!
  • Think you are missing what I said. A calorie deficit from eating junk food is NOT HEALTHY and will lead to things like heart attack and diabeties. I never said that you couldn't lose weight!! Instead of saying that you disagree on something on here, why not just skip reading it and go onto another post that you have…
  • No there really is no point in expressing that you disagree as that is just your opinion. How is it a bad idea? And its certainly not a stupid idea. So your concept that you don't need clean food means that you believe that a calorie defecit obtained via eating junk food is ok???? Its not lol. I know more now about…
  • My cousin is doing fantastically on herbalife and I done it last year with brilliant results but I'm doing my own now with protein works. Not sure if you are in the UK or not so don't want to bore you with what all I get thru, but its a lot cheaper. For those that disagree with shakes......no point in saying so when the…
  • Wow thank you for all the great replies and advice. I'm dosed with the flu atm so have no desire to eat (which is fantastic for me lol). Hoping that this might stop the raiding in the evenings as all I've managed today was a protein shake and black tea. I think my main problem is boredom, I get to the evening and even have…
  • Excellent idea. I'm disheartened by all of you's that are buying new clothes after losing 20 pounds, I've already lost that but all my clothes still fit me :( Granted I'm 6'3 and weigh 250 (currently). For anyone to notice that I've lost weight I'm guessing that I'd need to lose at least another 20 so maybe I'll set my…