foxandnegayo Member


  • Love it! I:drinker:
  • In my powerlifting class, I was taught to take a breath at the top, hold it throughout the whole squat and exhale at the top. This way, your core is engaged throughout the whole squat movement.
  • What caught my attention the most is how happy you look in the after photo :) Congratulations!
  • Lately I've been enjoying Epic Greek Yogurt + Chia Seeds (17g of protein). I also pressure cook chicken breast, shred it, portion it out into tupperware or ziploc bags (I do 4 oz), put some kind of seasoning on it and snack on it. Trader Joe's has peeled, boiled cage-free eggs. Those are my protein go-tos.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Like the others have said, do it for you. And to just answer your question straight up (not trying to brag or anything, I promise):: I don't consider myself skinny, I consider myself fit but I have been told that I am "skinny" (that term is so broad). It's wonderful to be in the…
  • What's your working weight? I've been told a belt is not needed or recommended until the weight is really heavy (for me at 128lb, that might be 200). One of the reasons for this is that I want to build strength in my core and back and be able to rely on it instead of relying on the assistance of a belt. I may have a…
  • I recently added hip thrusts. I decided to add them to my weekend workout, regardless of A or B, since I have more time. On a relevant note, I ordered a Squat Sponge to provide padding for my hip thrusts (NOT squats). I used it once so far and it was great. I was a little embarrassed but oh well...tryin' to get a booty.
  • I was wearing Reebok Nano 2.0s, leftover from my Crossfit days. I recently switched to low top chucks and I like them better, without any good reason. :)
  • Do you know how to properly dump the bar? If you're down at the bottom of your squat (or anywhere in the squat really), just send the barbell off your shoulders behind you and fall forward out of the way of the falling barbell. It's safer to let the barbell crash behind you than to keep struggling with the bar. Hope this…