

  • Yea, I have that going on too. I spent most of my teens and early 20s overweight, and then in my mid 20s I lost about 30 pounds, and I've gained about half of it back and trying to lose it now. Back when I lost the weight, I had the opposite happen- I'd see pictures of myself and not recognize myself looking so thin. I…
  • Hey all. Yesterday was a bit of a flub day, I went out with some friends and had a few drinks, but did order a healthy-ish meal (that was also really yummy!). I realized that if I don't plan out my meals and track them in the am, I will go out for lunch and buy myself something I will regret later. Yesterday I went to…
  • I've only lost 1 pound and after a weekend of camping, still only down 1 pound. This is actually good considering I ate and drank a lot on the trip. I still tracked my calories and ate fruits and veggies though. I also avoided s'mores, which was hard but in the long run, I felt better than I would have if I'd eaten them!…
  • Height: 5'6" SW: 160 CW: 159 (yea!) GW: 140 by Dec 15 Workout goal: Walk my dogs every day, get my yoga practice back on track by doing at least 30 minutes a day, lift weights two times per week.
  • Hi all! mcfly here.