

  • Did you recently lose weight or switch insertion sets/devices?? When I first started on my pump (Medtronic) i was using the quick-set infusion set with the round blue insertion device and it was hitting muscle in my abdomen. I switched to the Mio which I believe has a shorter cannula and I love it, haven't had a problem…
  • I started out using my stomach, but now I use my love handle area. sometimes upper read end but I've peeled it off by accident taking pants off/pulling them up!!! so annoying!! i have used my thighs too but find it more awkward. I want to lose 10 lb and particularly in that area (love handle/stomach) and am a little…
  • Hi!! I'm Karen, diagnosed at age 5 and 28 years old now. Weight loss is certainly a lot tougher with T1D on board... like Kareeta (another Karen :) said, sometimes I have all my food planned out then a low will screw up my whole cal count!!! it's especially frustrating after exercising - it feels like pouring salt in a…
  • sooooooooooo frustrating. yes it's best to be positive and realize that we do have insulin when way back there was no treatment for T1 and patients simply slowly died. but it's still so hard and no one sees it. I always say it's an "invisible disease" - we don't look, sound or seem "sick" like others with a chronic…
  • These are actually delish for a "diet" dessert!!
  • @WitchMaevyn that's more the problem! i'd rather try to stick to 1200 in a (relatively close to) 24 hour period. some days i either sleep in or just don't have time to eat enough so the cals i carried over and logged for that day aren't a big deal. Thank you everyone for your input! New to the posting thing and am…
  • @ Kwantlen2051 I don't think our bodies can be fooled that way. Sorry... actually the only reason i would think this is because our bodies actually probably don't know the difference!! example if i have 200 cals at 2 am, and someone else gets up for work at 4 am and has 200 cals id think thatd be equal!