Cravings..sugesstions needed.



  • The FiberOne chocolate brownies are pretty god and they're only 90 calories. I also crave something sweet after lunch. I don't crave it after dinner for some reason, but the lunch is always rough for me. I try to keep a little something in my desk at work, like the FiberOne bars.

    These are actually delish for a "diet" dessert!!
  • flavored decaf (good quality)
    I've tried soem liquid, flavored stevia sweetener, none of that skanky artificial sweetener. I found some at spouts & got the chocolate. yum in hot coffee, they have also other flavors. Iw ant to try the orange in plain soda water.

    I have to be top heavy in protein or I get hungry.

    I also really like nuts so I have an oz every day.

    I also schedule in nature valley protein bar. 10 gm protein, it has peanut butter & dark chocolate so it tastes like a treat but oddly, since its not "really sweet" I am satisfied once its done. and its the size of a regular candy bar.

    really though, budgettting in some treat everyday can help a lot,
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i do the same once in awhile.. i also drink a glass of water or distract myself.. cravings last 20 min usually.
  • MurrayElliot
    MurrayElliot Posts: 17 Member
    Stop thinking about food and go do something is my tip of the day. The more you obsess, the more you will obsess. If you must have something, have a cup of tea while you're deciding what to do!
  • 1Lightstep
    1Lightstep Posts: 64 Member
    Cravings are hard to resist and there can be a little trial and error involved in finding the right things to curb or satisfy a particular craving. I have found on occasion that when I have a craving for one thing I can eat something else in an attempt to satisfy it, only for the craving to persist. To combat this, I try to map out my diet for the day and adjust it to accommodate my need for certain types of food. When I input what I want to eat in my diary, I often have to reduce it, either by removing certain items or having smaller portions of some things. Making a decision in advance about what I am eating that day and what I am willing to sacrifice in order to fit in that certain something nice, can help. Sometimes, it is enough just to see what the calorie cost is or the exercise time I would need to put in to burn it, to make me decide not to have it.

    When I get a craving, where possible I avoid pre-packaged, processed snacks. I find the calorie cost tends to outweigh the satisfaction I get from them. I think my need for sweet things is less than it used to be because I add a banana and an apple into my daily diet. When I do have that need for something sweet I find Clementines help and at less than 40 calories, they have little impact on my calorie allowance for the day.