Cravings..sugesstions needed.



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If I ignore my cravings, it backfires. For me, it works best to allow myself a portion of exactly what I am craving. If I tried to trick myself with something lowfat/lowsugar/fake, it only made the craving worse and I'd end up going overboard on that stuff trying to fulfill the craving. That being said, sometimes gum is enough for me after meals. I think sometimes I am more in the habit of something sweet rather than actually craving it. Maybe grab a few packs of sugar free gum? There are all sorts of dessert flavors these days.
    That's great that you know that about yourself! For me, it's just something sweet, and it's just two days a month (luckily). And a 100 calorie bar takes care of it. But yeah, if you want something specific and know you'll keep wanting til you have it: eat a small portion of it (assuming you can then stop).

    That's the thing: we each have to find what works for us. I'm not a "I'll have A slice of pizza" person normally. I'm not a "count out 13 tortilla chips" person. I'd rather just not have tortilla chips around, and make my own healthier pizza. But that took years to learn. You seem to know yours too.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I go with fruit or yogurt to curb the sweet craving. An orange, an apple...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I used to feel that way, and I found that a square of a good dark chocolate does the trick for me. It's not very many calories for one square, and dark chocolate is good for you. That little taste of sweet is a good finale for the meal.
  • Billybegood
    Billybegood Posts: 32 Member
    I'm only on week one but i do like something sweet after my evening meal, so like someone else said i log everything in morning as i pretty much know what i'm going to eat for the day. If i have enough calories left then i have a lindt chocolate ball and that sorts me out!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I used to feel that way, and I found that a square of a good dark chocolate does the trick for me. It's not very many calories for one square, and dark chocolate is good for you. That little taste of sweet is a good finale for the meal.
    This too! for sure.

    And on many nights I have a small bowl of plain greek yogurt with a little PB and a little sugar free chocolate in it. YUM.
  • ShortStrut
    ShortStrut Posts: 22 Member
    I think also, try to identify when you're feeling hungry/cravey. Is it just out of habit, or are you actually hungry?

    If it's habit, break it by making a new habit, if you're hungry an hour after lunch, go for a little walk with a bottle of water.

    If you're hungry, my go to snacks are:

    yogurt with flax seed (love it! gives the yogurt a sweet and more filling bonus)
    apple (usually my drive home snack, cuz it's been 5 hours since lunch I'm a ready to gouge eyes out)
    cashews (i feel like it's an expensive treat and i do not want to devour, so i ration it out)
    homemade trail mix (with nuts, fruit and chocolate chips)
  • keawona
    Thanks everyone for the GREAT suggestions.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    jello or sugar free pudding with light whipped cream helps me. sometimes i freeze cool whip - get's the texture of ice cream, and eat a few spoonfuls of that or blend it in with some powdered cappuccino mix for a frappucino
  • sschneider1202
    I drink hot tea after lunch. Always an herbal tea (no caffeine) and usually like a lemon/ginger or orange spice. I find it cleases my palate and keeps me from craving other foods. Also helps with water intake.
  • reggie7727
    reggie7727 Posts: 29 Member
    Try a Fiber One brownie warmed up in the microwave for 10 seconds with a few cut up strawberries. 100 calories of pure bliss!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Peanut butter helps with cravings and it will also help curb your appetite. It's a quick remedy but fresh fruit and veggies are always the better choice. I found after changing my diet months ago I quit having the cravings but when the holidays came around and I ate foods not so healthy I had cravings again. Now going back to my older healthier ways, I stopped craving and used peanut butter to control it until the healthy foods took over. Strange, but worked for me. :)


    For me, if I eat less processed foods overall (especially getting rid of soda) I can fulfill a craving for sweets with fruit. If I eat junk, though, fruit won't do it for me. The better you eat altogether, the better you'll be able to respond to cravings with healthy choices.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Sugar free chocolate puddings, dark chocolate covered espresso beans, even a Greek yogurt takes away the cravings. I even like a diet Cherry 7up or something like that, it does help.
  • fattybumclaire
    fattybumclaire Posts: 91 Member
    I agree with the dark chocolate from aldi - they come in a pack of 5 small bars which are only about 120 cals each (depending on flavour). I melt mine in a bowl and dip grapes or apple slices etc in it - makes it last a lot longer and feels like a fab treat :)

    I think denying yourself something when you are really craving it doesnt help and actually should be against the law lol!!!!
  • FitnessVixxen
    Try pre-logging and planning your meals. If you know you like something sweet after lunch or dinner, you can plan in advance for it so you don't go over for the day.

    I've done this the past couple days. Prelogged my lunch and dinner, so I knew what I had left.
    It really does help!

    Also, if you do indulge yourself in something... Work out a little longer to burn some of those extra calories off. Just a thought.
  • springdaisy414
    springdaisy414 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a bottle that I save dill pickle juice in A couple of small sips will cure any craving almost instantly!. I dilute with a little bit of water to reduce the sodium.. :drinker: works for me!
  • karenk2f
    karenk2f Posts: 21 Member
    I know what you are talking about!! Cravings can be so hard to control. One of my MFP pals suggested the tea idea as well and it has helped a lot. I like the fruit teas like apple cinnamon. I have also found that keeping my water intake high (again, the tea helps with this!) will keep some cravings at bay. Something else I have tried and seems to help some is a strong peppermint (like an Altoid). Or brushing my teeth after I eat. (maybe mint gum?) The mint makes anything else taste 'funny' and by the time that goes away the craving has diminished to where I can overcome it. It is a challenge but hang in there!!
  • looneytunes32
    looneytunes32 Posts: 108 Member
    Right now I'm allowing myself 2 Hershey nuggets per day - that's about 90 to 100 calories depending on the kind - and that's just enough to help that sugar craving.

    What about a clementine or something like that - small, healthy, and just a little sweet.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    Are you eating enough protein? I find that days that I meet or exceed my protein goal, I have a much easier time with cravings. Yes, they do still happen but having a lot of protein in your system makes it a lot easier to say no. Also, I eat a full sized York Peppermint Patty every night. 140 calories. I budget the 140 calories in my day and there you go! The York has been working for me for a few months now. Before that, it was a Twinkie which I think has 110 calories. Also, I do not keep entire boxes of these treats in my house. I ACTUALLY stop at the grocery store every night and buy one. Its a real pain but I know myself enough that if I have it in the house, I'm gonna eat it.
  • Mrs_K_Ldtke
    I use EXTRAGUM: Fruit Sensations----in all its delicious flavors it comes in ;)