

  • No actually it's quite the opposite i guess. I had a lot of salty and carb-loaded food and def not enough water. That's really interesting tho. I had no idea what I ate the day before could affect my body in that way. Maybe that also explains the temp weight gain I experienced after my treat day. (Gained 1.5lbs 2 days ago…
  • Thank you all. I think it's good to have a natural appetite suppressant and don't really wanna mess with that. I'll just have some bcaa powder prior or right after my workouts for now.
  • Thank you for the link. She already has an account so I will ask her to try to join a group :) I totally understand what you mean about nutrition education haha Last weekend she went to a BBQ party and somehow thought that a 12inch bratwurst would have less calories than a small hamburger patty :p Thanks for your comment.…
  • Haha that's funny cuz she is actually a tiny Japanese lady ( 4'9" ) and is super small boned as well. That was also a big problem... Nobody knew not even herself that she was gaining weight because it barely shows even now! It's like all her fat is hidden in areas you can't see...which btw her doctor said is even more…
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