

  • Another thing about low-carb diets, ease yourself into it. The thing with low-carb diets is that yes, it will help you lose weight quickly but unless you're planning on eating low-carb forever, you will gain it right back when you start eating them again. Also, I saw someone else said this but I did learn in my health…
  • Great job! That is what I struggle with so often when I decide to start living healthier - one step off track and I act like there's no turning back. Congrats on taking a step back on the wrong track and continuing down your healthy and happy one! :)
  • Luke Bryan... ahhh the country girl's dream man :) The link is too his song "Country Man" and even if you don't like country - you'll love his goofball nature and that goooooorgeous smile!!
  • That's a great idea! I can never keep up with what the girls like and don't like, and it always changes! I think I will look for a healthy cookbook because I know they would LOVE to help me! Thanks for your input! :)