megkeage Member


  • I am struggling to lose the last 10-15 pounds. It's been really hard these last 2 months! Feel free to friend me! :)
  • I have a 4 month old will be 5 months on sept 2 and a 6 yr old as well as a 2 yr old. Friend me and we can keep each other motivated. Because of the constant interrupted sleep I crave a lot of sugar to give me that quick fix energy boost which is not good at all. Self control is very important as a new mom esp. trying to…
  • I love love love my vitamix. Its probably a blender that will last me a super long time. Definitely worth saving for but my friend got one after I got mine and she said if you buy from vitamix directly they will let you do monthly payments when ordering thru customer service.
  • Well to begin with I feel bad when I don't work out which is 2 days a week. with that being said I stopped beating myself up over it because my body needs rest. we need that day for our body to rest and therefore I have more energy for a killer workout after I had my off day. Try not to beat yourself up and use those days…
  • Great job you give me hope! I just had my 3rd and last baby 6 weeks ago and losing these 40 seem like a lifetime away :(
  • These are all really good ideas! I will be sure to try them out next month! I just weighed myself since its after....i did not weight myself during...and i didnt gain nor did i lose weight but as long as I didnt gain im happy!! Now its a new week so im back at the gym full swing! Thx for all the good advice :)