

  • OMG you are me!! My husband got me pregnant 6 times,we have 3 healthy boys! The last boy was so heavy,he tipped my uterus,so now i have weight and that to get back inward.i was 215,after him!!I'm a ex army vet,so i know better,i needed to get off my duff as well!! So i'm doing it all now,thanks for sharing your story.
  • Hi,i've been on here for like 2 weeks,lol. I'm A Chocoholic as well,i mean very bad!! But since i need to lose this weight from our last baby and i hate that i can't wear medium shirts or nice jeans,that motivates me. Also try Turtle chex mix,that helps me out alot. Stay busy out the house,either go walk around the…
  • Hi Kim,i love your challenge,i'm in! I signed up for the YMCA,and so far i've been doing p90x,kickboxing,running,yoga and swimming. My new motto is "DO IT,DO IT NOW!"lol
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