crv021 Member


  • Everyone's body is different and will react to different foods the same way people react differently to medications. Fiber goal is 20-30 grams/day. There are 2 different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber: soluble - when in the stomach, it turn into a jelly like consistency (very sluggish in nature) so sits in the…
  • Sorry forgot the mention this as well, you asked if the amount of protein seemed excessive and it may seem a bit much --- your body can only absorb so much protein at one time and out of all the macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats) protein is the hardest for your kidney to breakdown and metabolize. The point of a high…
  • 30% protein seems like a lot of protein (100+ grams) - I'm not sure what your workout routine is so just be mindful that Julien may see this as a safe % for someone who has a very stuctured work out routine with a goal to build lean muscle mass (vs. just weight loss); also, the foods you mentioned nuts, peanut butter,…