

  • oh yeah, and don't eat your excersise calories.... you want a defecit in order to lose. just eat the original amount of calories that are given... but if you burn an excessive amount then eat a little extra. i will eat more if i burn say 400 or more.
  • I would recommend reading the eat clean books as well. I have done so and found alot that i could change... and being a vegetarian helps in the sense that i stick to the perimeter of the store. If it comes in a package--- try not to eat it. I know that you think that if it has little calories it is good, but that is not…
  • Have you ever thought about doing a body detox? Basically if you go thru out your life eating the foods that are available, breathing in the dirty air, the pollutants of your house and daily consumptions you are retaining large amounts of toxins. Those toxins build up inside your organs-- especially your liver, kidneys and…
  • I love to snack, and keeping it healthy is a trick you have to learn. I love to eat a whole tomato and then a string cheese, dice it all up and then drizzle balsamic vinegar on it, it's fancy rich tasting snack. I also snack on serving of almonds. I love to eat hard boiled eggs, or one scrambled egg and a 1/4 of whites.…
  • If you want something that is low impact on the feet and lower body i would recommend doing videos like pilates. they have pilates for cardio, flexibility, strength etc. Also yoga is a very good fat burner that is low impact but has alot of power behind it to burn calories.
  • thanks for your words of encouragment, and you look great for having 3 kids! I know that i can do it as well, it is just hard when you are tired all the time and have no energy because i have not slept a full night in 2 years! things will get better i just have to stay focused!
  • I totally agree, my husband loves his sweets and treats. I was upset at the beginning, but that was because i was jealous more than anything, I kept thinking that it is not fair that he can eat bowls of ice cream every night and i am stuck here eating veggies! But after time i have come to realize that this is just how it…
  • Hello, let me start by saying congrats on trying to make a change. I know where you are coming from. I used to weigh a nice 130 pounds and was considered to be quite attractive, but then i packed up and moved to hawaii with my husband-- because he had dreams of a job out here. I left all my friends and family and was all…