

  • I can totally relate to the quick weight gain and menopause. One suggestion I have for all of you is to get yourself to a naturopath or other provider who can do a metabolism test for you. It's fairly quick and easy, mine cost about $40. It will give you your resting metabolic rate. I started in with a personal trainer who…
  • Avoid the bread, pasta, and creamy sauces. Go very light with any cheese.
  • I have a Far Infared Sauna (dry) and "supposedly" you will lose weight because it is increases your metabolism, however, I have not noticed any weight loss whatsoever in using my sauna. I see other benefits, so I do continue to use it.
  • I'm a female, trying to lose about 30 pounds, and my personal trainer wants me to eat 100-110 grams of protein a day. But he didn't give me the entire breakdown. He wants me to eat 1900 calories a day then create a 500 calorie deficit through activity and exercise. What I didn't know was how the carbs and fats should break…
  • It's tough. I don't have kids in the house (anymore) but I have a husband who eats anything and everything. For dinner I cook lean meats and fish, but he wants steak a lot, so I just don't eat it and fix something else. We are pretty much on the same page with salad and veggies. He doesn't eat breakfast or lunch, so I have…
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