Ke22yB Member


  • 5 years 3 months and 10 days feel better every morning weight loss improved eventually attitude improved workouts continue to improve and I cant even imagine how much money I saved. Probably saved enough to pay for every pair of running shoes shorts technical shirts and the occasional trips or vacation I enjoy running at.…
  • Can't deny it the thought crosses my mind. Yesterday around mile 5 I was thinking about a DQ small cone swirl and how many calories it was and how many I had burned already and how DQ was on my home anyway. But luckily or by good habits by the time my run was finished I decided on a total lean shake for half the calories…
  • That is an amazing accomplishment Congratulations on making up your mind and doing it. I have found the love of running that you describe and the ability to push a little farther and I know it feels so good its hard to describe. I finished about 550 out of 620 runners in my first race a 10K and I was so happy I almost…
  • I have been working my way thru that speed question for over two years. I was barely finishing 3 miles an hour in the beginning I was still over 275 pounds and in my 60's. I set goals to improve and just kept working at it. I used to go to Jones beach on LI NY every sunday at least 48 sundays a year it was 2 miles out and…
  • I have been slowly losing weight as I run for the last 2 years and I would say go into a Running Store have them check your gait foot strike wear on your old shoes and then try on a few different pair and jog in place or on the treadmill and see if you like them. The store I buy from has a 90 day return no questions if…
  • Compression gear without a doubt I wear them under my regular shorts and its dual purpose on my longer runs over an hour it keeps my legs fresher and less tired and the spandex /poly materials wicks the sweat removes the chafing an keeps everything in its place
  • Another vote for piriformis. I use a tennis ball rather than a foam roller in this area since the smaller size lets me roll right over the area in tight circles. I also see a a massage therapist who literally digs her elbows into the muscles and relieves the knots. As long as I give it some attention at least once a week I…
  • Welcome to your new life and congratulations on your journey I believe now you feel as good as you look. The freedom being fit represents is a wonderful thing and you will enjoy it. I understand avoiding as I did it till I was 60 checking restaurants online to see pictures of the chairs and tables to make sure I could fit…
  • Kat Congratulations on your first year and the great progress you have made. I am proud to call you friend and greatly admire the determination you constantly show. You are always here rock solid and on tract ad the progress shows it. On the days I might waiver I always look to you for inspiration and my fish and fruit…
  • I understand the older guys being faster, it seems if you are still running at my age you are either very fit very committed. In the Santa Monica 10K there was nobody older than me behind me they were all faster including the 78 year old so I know I have a long future and I am patient but through the weight loss process…
  • I joined a running club in the next town. The 10K I am shooting for is their premier event. The fastest miles I have logged was trying to keep up or catch up on group runs. I am 65 and most everyone else is 30 to 40. My grandkids are older than a few of their kids. At times when they say they are going to keep at a…
  • Having fun is a given I am certainly having fun. For someone who was in the 360s to even be running is great fun and I love it. I have moderate to severe arthritis in the left hip and am undergoing some PT to improve the muscles firing in the left glute and strengthen the left leg. I think just the age factor my sprint…
  • This may sound strange but have you been measured lately as you lost weight. My shoe size changed a half size as I lost and my feet move around and my problem is more with my socks sliding a little and bunching under my feet rather than the insoles but I have now gone from a 4E to a 2E with room I dont know of anything…
  • I guess people know thy self I have my goals and dreams and if someone offers advice that I think is helpful to me I certainly am interested. If someone tries to tell me that what I am doing isn't working when I finish laughing I move on. My primary weight loss/fitness method is running I do a fitness class 3x a week with…
    in Small Rant Comment by Ke22yB August 2013
  • Bumping for future "digestion"
  • I am interested in improving my fitness losing the balance of weight I need to lose approx 25 pounds and continuing to clean up my food choices. I take any help I can receive from qualified individuals very seriously
  • First congratulations on a great job your progress is fantastic I feel you can still lose weight if the Drs advice is ease up but let me say I have been doing my lifestyle change since May of 2008 and there are times I am hurt especially since I am a lot older than you and rest has been called for if this is your new life…
  • Almost an average adult male or about half the man I used to be ( can be interpreted any way you like)
  • Start creeping one of those runs up so that it's longer than the others. Get it to the 90 minute range, whatever that works out to in mileage for you. [/quote] I generally have a run thats about 7 miles that hits the 90 to 110 minutes depending on pace and a generally how this old body feels. I just wonder how much…
  • My first race ever was the Santa Monica 10K 5/19 I ran a 80:40 which for me was 6 minutes faster than I ever did the distance before in training runs some of the excitement of the first race I am sure my last mile was in the lower 12 min area and the fastest of the 6 so I think I can go faster 2 weeks later I did a local…
  • I did my first 10K in May after getting ready for years. I stood there with the other runners and my mind was spinning what if this or what if that ? Was I to far toward the front or to far back should I run hard in the beginning etc etc Then the gun sounded people started to walk forward then jog a bit I started out and…
    in 1st 10K Comment by Ke22yB July 2013
  • Running hasn't made me fat. The fact that I am still fat just means I had a long way to go and haven't achieved my final goals yet but I can attribute most of the last 100 pounds I lost to running. So my general health my mental health and most of my fitness is running. I do a mens fitness class 3x a week as well lite…
  • Bump for later reading
  • I hate to say it doesn't matter how old they get it still messes with workout scheduling. My daughter the oldest arrived tuesday with my grandkids for a visit she arranged with my wife. I love them dearly and enjoy my grandkids but didnt get but one run tueday thru friday. This weekend I was helping my son move so I got a…
  • It isn't always so simple since with some people there are underlying problems either physical or psychological that contributes to their being obese. I feel in most cases the effort isn't worth the result so people either give up or don't try at all 5 years ago I was very diseased I drank over a pint of gin a day and…
  • Congratulations that is indeed a great NSV I know the feeling. I have to warn you however when you continue losing and dropping pants sizes it starts to get real expensive replacing your wardrobe. But its a real blast
  • In May it was 5 years of my new life during the 5 years there have been 3 events 1 dinner on vacation one house party and a New Years party that I drank it was one night and the next day I was back to eating and exercising so unless you are really afraid that this will completely undo your new lifestyle go and enjoy…
    in Alcohol Comment by Ke22yB June 2013
  • Yes and no I am aware of what the levels are but my daily exercise and eating dictates where I feel I should be more than the Diary . I am getting into running more and more and when it is hot I am soaked shirt shorts right down to the socks and I have a need for alot more sodium than MFP allows for If I burn 1200 calories…
  • I am 65 yrs old about 189 pounds and I did my first 10K in May actually my first race ever and I didnt really eat different while training. My daily runs 2 or 3x a week was between 4 and 5 miles and a generally did a long run on the weekend between 5 and 7 miles depending on how I felt or where I was running. I would eat…
  • I have the FT60 which was handed down and use a flowlink to download to the web site but also wanted a GPS so I got the the Polar RCX5 which does everything the 60 did and more and absolutely love it. Unfortuneately it uses a different linking device to download and and sync to the computer. I went with a package deal for…