Ke22yB Member


  • I Log both my food and exercise and set a loose goal of one minute swimming for my age in years per day or 73 minutes a day I totaled last weeks swim yardage and I swam over 11 miles close to 20000 yards and averaged 75 minutes a day
  • Its never fast enough I started at 367 barely able to walk around the block and at 60 my BP was starting to rise and then one day I decided I had to change or face chronic problems and my Dr warned me I was prone to many things that could kill me at my weight. I took over a year to lose 80 something pounds and every day I…
  • Baby steps lead to small steps to strides maybe even to jog or run I started at 367 May 22 2008 just celebrated my 13th anniversary and it has truly saved my life. Originally I couldn't walk around the block easily last week vacationing with my daughter and family at 73 I was running on the beach and we climbed to the top…
  • Too many to count but the biggest is Health I was 367 pounds sedentary and my Dr. was concerned at 60 I was a candidate for a serious heart attack or stroke since my BP was so high 12 years later my Dr compliments me on my blood work I am about 200 pounds and I run 3 to 5 days a week at 72 and before the Covid shut downs I…
  • Happy Memorial day to all Yesterday was my 12th anniversary of the beginning of my journey to health. I had all kinds of plans to celebrate the change in my life but unfortunately with the restrictions in NJ all plans and trips have been cancelled for now. I cant say it was easy but it did get easier as time went on. My…
  • May 22 2008 I was drinking a pint of gin a day weighed in at 366 pounds and my BP was at the level my Dr said even though I built a great business he didn't think I would live long enough to enjoy it and retire well. I was scared into changing my life my eating patterns and not drinking anymore. I wont say it was easy but…
  • Today This is the 12 year anniversary of my "Journey to Health" I lost over 166 pounds changed my diet and stopped drinking completely. I have drifted thru the last few years maintaining within 10 or 12 pounds and have felt good. I am in NJ right in the center of the Virus and it lead me to feel sorry for myself my pool…
  • May is a special month for me on the 20th it’s 12 years AF and living healthier.This year being in NJ is making things difficult. Every year I run my age I turned 72 in January and ran 7.2 miles usually in May I run my anniversary or this year 12 miles I am afraid being inside and using the treadmill I am not nearly ready…
  • I am 4338 days AF or 11.9 years and right now in Bergen county NJ we are quarantined except for shopping and the highlight of yesterday was finding a medical supply house to get a bottle of peroxide a bottle of rubbing alcohol a box of surgical gloves and 8ozs of a hand cleaner disinfectant 3 of the 5 liquor stores in town…
  • @whitpauly I am semiretired but self employed and was told I could file for unemployment because of the Covid crisis under the new CARES act that was signed. I do not know from state to state but in NJ I have been trying to file and unfortunately the volume is so high I cant get thru to the site. I know under the SBA there…
  • Another reason to be AF alcohol reduces bodies immunity levels increased suseptibility to the virus 2 of the 3 local liquor stores have closed majority of the day,workers weren’t available anymore remaining store can have lines halfway around the block since only 2 customers at a time allowed in
  • Good morning all food for thought as to motivation I don’t post much but read everything here In May I am 12 years AF and 😀160 pounds lighter I am 72 swim 1.5 miles a day and run most days also I have a hat that says Older than Dirt because people continually ask “ how old are you or why are doing that at your age?” With…
  • @RubyRed427 Its been a long time since I have felt the pull to have a drink and I am not as regimented as I was in the beginning, but I found planning early morning exercise or projects helped me forego the drinks in the evening. I started running in my 60s and my 7 AM runs mandated no drinks the night before. We vacation…
  • Article in our local publication 2 men arrested at Super Bowl party intoxicated and fighting over “ Cheese balls “ Tell me again how it’s Super Bowl and I have to drink to enjoy the game Pre game over 5 hours and before the game even started they were locked up AF 4240 days 10 super bowl games I have enjoyed I don’t…
  • I was asked after being AF for this long what would you have to give up if you have some drinks Good health good sleep clear headed mornings. Watching the sun rise on my runs Early morning swims sharing breakfast with my grandson when we visit He was puzzled all for a few drinks he asked No I said for all the drinks that…
  • A quick note l am on Marco Island enjoying a vacation I have been AF over 4200 days now I am spiritual but not really religious I swim early mornings and getting out of the pool after a long swim Sun shining dripping off the appreciation of life now was overwhelming A friend asked me awhile ago “ you control it so well…
  • A happy Thanksgiving to all Having a wonderful day with my daughters their husbands my grandkids We all worked cooked prepared together had a wonderful meal followed by a long walk together No Alcohol served not a drop and a good time had The non drinkers the recovering drinkers all enjoyed themselves No drama no hard…
  • Happy Thanksgiving Traveled to my daughters house, my two daughters their husbands and children my wife all working together to prepare the meal all civilized and not a drop to drink A happy holiday can be AF
  • A sad tale about the power alcohol can hold over us. I am now AF 4205 days when I started I discussed this with my best friend and he told me he didn't need to give it up since he didn't have the problems with drinking that I did. Over the next 10 years his now Ex wife would call me asking me to talk to him about his…
  • Anyone no posts since the 27th
  • ?? why not Age 60 HBP over 365 pounds fairly sedentary age 71 195 pounds run 5 days a week average 5 miles a day and decided to lose about 20 more pounds and begin to train for a half marathon next spring You can do whatever you decide to do for yourself I have a hat that says " older than dirt" and a tee shirt " All Men…
  • Hi everyone I lurk here and post once in awhile. I was just in Boston for a long weekend and it caused me to reflect and I wanted to relate my thoughts here. I have been AF for over 11 years and 4 months now. When I first spent a lot of time in Boston I drank every day and was over 300 pounds. My daughter was a student and…
  • @whitpauly it’s over 11 years AF and 40 years non smoking and I consider myself a former drinker and smoker not recovering from anything but a family member over 20 years still goes to AA so she is recovering I feel it is your attitude and frame of mind that dictates recovering or former I never consider I could revert…
  • I am AF now over 11 years so when I am uptight or physically stressed I’m not thinking of a drink anymore, so I was looking for alternative methods a friend got me started in mindfulness. I have been using an app called calm and “ meditating “ or just calming myself through my breath If I become anxious or uptight I focus…
  • Over the years I have found I can enjoy social events cook outs sitting in restaurants or bars with friends and not drink. Everyone just accepted I wasn’t drinking anymore for personal health reasons These were all “ reasons “ I used to think 🤔 were valid reasons to drink now realize they were just excuses to give up self…
  • I have an apple watch but I also run Map my Run for the additional information it has
  • Wednesday is my 11th anniversary of becoming AF and I was looking forward to a concert at Garden State Arts Doo Wop and then an early dinner with some friends I was very upbeat. Saturday I had an experience that really took my mood and turned it upside down. We were driving back from Hilton Head after a two week vacation…
  • I am in Hilton Head for a few weeks vacation and just returned from my morning run As the sun was coming up and the miles were going by I know I couldn’t ever do this if I was still drinking So many vacations just suffering one hangover after another and thinking it was fun So much time wasted being wasted Have a great day…
  • @donimfp TY that’s from a 10k I ran with my daughter when I was 65 it was one of my goals to run a race with my daughter so I flew to The Coast and ran Santa Monica 10k with her
  • I dont post very often usually just read the posts and appreciate the progress everyone is making. I want to recount an experience I had last night at dinner. I am always the designated driver when we go out since everyone else drinks at dinner. Last night one of my friends who has known me since I was a 367 pound…