

  • I agree with the post above, every little bit counts. When first diagnosed with CFS a decade ago, I found it a struggle to even leave the bed (So remember that getting out and working is a pretty major achievement.) Walking may not burn a lot but it definitely gets your body on the right track. An important part of losing…
  • I feel the same to be honest. When I need to get something done I often choose not to eat because my appetite doesn't call for it. Part of being stubborn I think. I guess if I really wanted to, I could start thinking about food instead and get my stomach rumbling. I get quite cranky without food also, so it's an unhealthy…
  • I wish I could offer some useful advice, but unfortunately people will always be... people. It doesn't make much logical sense to not support someone in their healthy life habits but I suppose somehow, that bothers some people. You would think in a more mature age family in specific would be above eating food you work hard…