

  • I have it, but I'm not overly big (I have 20 lbs to lose) so its not realistic of me to think I can lose 15 lbs a month. I am restarting the program let me know if you want to do the program together
  • Dont give up. You might want to record all foods and fuids for a day or two and look at maybe if there is something that you are missing. Also you might want to change up the exercise. Dont be frustrated we have all been there. have you checked your thriod? try to see if there is a reason your not losing.
  • I started taking Plexus Slim a week ago and it is working fairly well for me. I have finally been able to stabilize my blood pressure which was low. I am using this product plus using the weight watchers diet. Some days are better then others, its life its not a magical pill or drink that makes me eat better or drink…
  • Truth is I feel like a hopeless loser.... And not in a good way. I know I need to make these changes but I always find a way to quit on myself. Part of that is the low blood pressure I am. Always so tired that basically I want to do nothing which isn't good. But I am facing this and I have been in a good place lately but I…
  • I will try :). I am starting off slow but I'm trying to look at this as an investment in myself. I need to get in my weight watcher points, exercise, and basically baby steps to a better me.
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