Starting over

I am starting over on my getting health weight loss journey. I am going to start Plexus this week, it's expensive but I am hoping that will help my blood pressure regulate a little (very low blood pressure) and when I had my kids I was borderline with my blood sugars. I am not expecting a magically event where it flys off in a I am on a med for an infection right now and that med usually causes you to gain weight, with this said i am hoping until i am off it i just stay the same. I am hoping for things to stable off and within a month I see a little, not much but a little step into weight loss. I truly believe that the only way to lose is to eat well, and exercise this is a helping tool. So me in a nut shell I am taking plexus (when I get it) diet is weight watchers and going to exercise at last 3 days a week.


  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    This is a good place to start
    ( I need to loose 5 pounds, again
    I lost over 100 2 years ago and have been trying to keep it off
    my weight goes up when I pig out at parties and activities but
    I never go over 8 pounds)
    27 pounds is not much, but it is!
  • enkmom
    enkmom Posts: 61 Member
    At least you are starting over. I'm sending you a friend request so we can support each other on this journey together.
  • Truth is I feel like a hopeless loser.... And not in a good way. I know I need to make these changes but I always find a way to quit on myself. Part of that is the low blood pressure I am. Always so tired that basically I want to do nothing which isn't good. But I am facing this and I have been in a good place lately but I need to make these changes.