
  • name: Heather -city/state: Holt,fl -highest weight EVER: 219 -STARTING WEIGHT when you join: 167 -team: (i.e.: team jacob, team edward, team bella....etc...etc.) Team Jacob -goal weight you want to be by fall 2010 (when production for breaking dawn starts) 140 -goal weight you want to be by november 18, 2011: 120 -how long…
  • I read the Host it is slow to start and it was hard to keep with it but over all its a great book when you get past the first few chapters. They are also making that one into a movie or so I heard they were. I got my Eclipse tickets cant wait. I'm going to order my shirt online so I can wear it to the movie. :happy:
  • Bump! :smile:
  • :tongue: Me to its a bad way to lose it but its off and I am going to keep it that way. Weight in again this morning down another 2 pounds. WOOHOO! Love this can barely keep my pants on. :happy:
  • Ok I have been sick all week since last Saturday. However being sick I have lost 5 pounds this week. That is a total of 10 pounds so far. Only 20 more to go.:happy:
  • Yes I have been working out every night for at least and hour. I do the wii and I have been using the biggest loser game.It kicks my butt. I did the same thing this week as last week. I just have to push a little harder I guess but it will be ok.:flowerforyou:
  • Did my weigh in this morning second week and I didn't lose anything. :sad: It is ok I am just going to work twice as hard this week so I don't get the same number next Monday. :ohwell: It will get better I just need to keep doing the right things and I can do this.:smile:
  • Did my weigh in today and lost a big fat 0 nothing. I have work hard this week kept below my calories and lost nothing.:sad: So I guess this starts a new week for me maybe things will turn around I am trying not to get down about it and just keep going. I will just work harder this week than last I guess.:ohwell:
  • Age has nothing to do with it we are all mothers and we all need support. No matter how old your kids are. We are all going thru the same thing so I say welcome aboard.:happy:
  • Ok so I was not able to work out yesterday. I got home from work and nmy son who is 2 and a half was sick. Bless his heart he threw up all night. I am going to try to work out tonight but I will have to wait till I get home and see how my little man is doing. He is home with his daddy tonight hehe. Well I will do my weight…
  • Ok I did the Biggest Loser again last night. 30 minutes didn't think I was going to make it thru the whole thing. I pushed and was able to do it. I have to say this is a great way to exercise. I love it. Sweat like crazy. heart rate was up and it is something the kids can join in on to if they want. I love this game. I…
  • So I went yesterday and got the Biggest Loser. I worked out for 28 mins last night and it kicked my butt. I am glad I got it. I am sure that the calories it shows as burned are not right. I was dying nd it said like 20 calories. I know that isn't right. Any how I think I will stick with that for a while then maybe try the…
  • :smile: Ok so last night I did 50 minutes of free step, 10 mins of hula hoop and 10 minutes of boxing on the wii fit plus. I think that was a pretty good work out. I am going to go get the EA on friday or maybe the biggest loser havent decided. I am going to do jogging tonight I can turn that on and let the kids watch…
  • :smile: aisser The book on edwards view was stopped due to part of it being released without consent. Stephanie said she might go back to writing it in about 2 years when everyong forgets it. You can go on Stephanie's website and read some of it. I did and then hated the fact that I did it. I would just wait to see if she…
  • Thank you for the information I will have to buy one.:flowerforyou:
  • Ok I am new to all of this and was just wondering I see people talking about the calories burned and how they are not always correct. People keep saying to get a HMR. I don't have a clue what this is and wanted to see if someone could explain it to me? And also where you can get one? :huh:
  • :happy: Ok last night I did 45 mins Free running and the Hula Hoops. It takes a little to get use to the Hula Hoop. I did pretty good i guess. I love the running. I have been thinking about getting the Biggest Loser and the EA sports just to try something new. I want to be able to change up my stuff so i'm not doing the…
  • :drinker: I did my first weigh in this morning and have lost 3 pounds. I am very excited. I had to throw out all the sweets in the house the brownies on the counter would call to me when I walked by. Don't worry about the bad week end hopin you can get back on track today and have a great week. We all just have to remember…
  • So I did my first weigh in this morning and have lost 3 pounds!!!! I am so happy. I was hoping for a little more but this is the first time I have ever done this right. I have stayed under my calories and work out 6 times last week. Hoope everyone else had a good weigh in today.:happy:
  • I would also love to join this group. I am a mother of two children. my daughter is 5 and my son is 2. I just started mfp last tuesday. I will be doing my weigh in tomorrow and will let everyone know. My starting weight is 168.0 as of my start date. My first goal for the next week is to work out at least 5 days 1 hour a…
  • Yesterday I worked out on my wii fit plus Did 30 mins of free step and 30 mins of the island run. I also did some of the strength training. I worked my butt off. It is hard to run in place so I ran all over my house. I want to get the EA sports and the Biggest Loser games to try and see how they work.
  • That is the most exciting news I have heard all day. I went to the movie on opening night and love this movie. I can't wait for the eclipse to come out. I am sooooo excited!!!!!!!
  • I love my wii fit. I have two small children and no time they are able to do the moves with me and for the free step I can turn it to cartoons and still work out. I work out of mine to include Yoga, Strenth training, Free step and boxing. I also do the free run which I can do 30 minutes and my son will get up and run with…
  • That is one of the reason's I no longer go to the gym. I hate when you are trying to work out and they are standing trying to get you to do one free session. No there is no need for a personal trainer if you have the knowledge to do it your self. And if you are unable to locate a gym that you are not being pestered at juat…
  • So my starting weight is 168 and I am going to try to be at least 130 by the time the new movie is out. I just have to stay motivated. I am the laziest person I know and I love to eat. I have lost 30 pounds since my son was born but have more to go. I love this site and have been on it all day. Well enough for now. Team…
  • I would love to join in with this. I have no time to work out due to having two small children so I got a wii and the wii fit plus for christmas. It make it easier for me to work out and be at home with my children. I have been working out 5 days doing at least 30 mins of the free step and either jogging or boxing for at…
  • I would also love to join in with this. I love this series and the movies. I am new to this site and have just joined as of yesterday.