Motivated Mommies!



  • I have lost 11 pounds in the last 2 weeks and my size 12 jeans fall off of me now. So I got into my size 10 this morning. 24 more pounds to go!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    That is AWESOME tootsmom!!

    I'm currently teetering on the 16...almost a 14 line. I can fit into a 14, but I have some CRAZY muffin top going on. I hope to be in a 12 by my birthday, which is at the end of June!

    Keep up the great work!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Goooooooood Morning Ladies!!

    It's Friday!! TGIF!! How has everyone's week been? Did you meet your goals?

    I'm happy to say that I am down another 2 lbs!! 205 baby! Wooo! I'm hoping to be UNDER 200 by Feb. I don't think I've been under 200 since high school, so this is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I am so excited! I'm even more happy that my reckless binge last weekend didn't kill my motivation and progress. Woo!

    I love Fridays! Can you tell!?!
  • Ok so I was not able to work out yesterday. I got home from work and nmy son who is 2 and a half was sick. Bless his heart he threw up all night. I am going to try to work out tonight but I will have to wait till I get home and see how my little man is doing. He is home with his daddy tonight hehe. Well I will do my weight in tomorrow morning and we will see if I have lost anything. I have stayed in my calories and have worked out every night but last night. I don't feel like I have lost anything. Oh well wish me luck.:indifferent:

  • :smile: Okay, tell me the a 48 year old mother of seven too old to join your group!? I've read your posts and it feels like I know you all..kinda been there done that thing! I really would like to join your group..I need someone to be accountable to! Raising my seven kids by myself has take'n it's toll on my body! Husband left when the kids were 9 year old boy, 8year old boy, 5 year old boy, three year old twin girls, & three year old twin boys. (the two sets of twins were born 9 and a half months apart; so for three months out of the year they are the same age) I know it's weird. I've about got the kids raised and now I think I can focus on me...So what'd'ya say; yea or nay?

    weighed 238 in july (my birth month)

    weighed 212 on 11/20 (before holidays)

    weighed 226 on 12/26

    weighed 219 today

    I hate to drink water ...does unsweet tea count as water? (cause I love that!)

    In my pic that's my 23 year old son on the left, he's getting married Sept, 4th this year and I just can't be in wedding pics with my EX and the new Mrs. looking like this!!

    goal is 160 or less by the wedding

    Short term goal is 210 by Feb 26 (son's graduation from Police Academy...the ex will be there with his young, short, petite wife, and I'm 5' 9")

    daily goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water
    30 min workout
    track calories (if I track'em I'll stay under)
  • Age has nothing to do with it we are all mothers and we all need support. No matter how old your kids are. We are all going thru the same thing so I say welcome aboard.:happy:
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Age has nothing to do with it we are all mothers and we all need support. No matter how old your kids are. We are all going thru the same thing so I say welcome aboard.:happy:

    I completely 100% agree! You're more than welcome!!

    How has everyone's weekend been? I slacked on my water intake yesterday, but I did really well calorie wise. So I am pleased about that. I'll be taking my measurements again tomorrow. I'm anxious to see a change in those numbers!! My pants were literally FALLING off me yesterday as I walked. I think it's about time to invest in some pants! Wooo! THAT excites me!!
  • Thanks soo much!! I'm so excited!! Today was a great day...I drank all my water, and exercised for 65minutes total. (That's in case I royally mess up tommorrow) Calorie intake wasn't too bad either..with 6 of my brood and all their friends hanging out all weekend there as a lot of junk food laying around. At least when they werel ittle I could control what was brought into the house; now, not so much! My 2nd son's finance was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes so I'm trying to have low carb foods here for her; and maybe this will help the rest of us be more conscience of what we are putting into our bodies. Hope everyone has a great weigh-in tommorrow!!:smile:
  • thank you! =] but sadly for this week i went out of town to see some family and wasnt able to weigh in until today.. i went up a pound. well at least its only one right? lol
  • Did my weigh in today and lost a big fat 0 nothing. I have work hard this week kept below my calories and lost nothing.:sad: So I guess this starts a new week for me maybe things will turn around I am trying not to get down about it and just keep going. I will just work harder this week than last I guess.:ohwell:
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!! Hope you've all had a good weekend!!

    Jenn - You're right... it's ONLY a pound! I weighed last Monday after my weekend of binging and my scale had gone up like 5 lbs! I was like, NO FREAKING WAY this could happen over ONE weekend. I was mostly just bloated, and by midweek it was back down to normal. Maybe that's what you're going through right now?! Always blame it on the bloat! Haha.

    Awww - Don't get frustrated! Are you working out? I ask, because this happened to me for about week. No loss, no gain, NOTHING. Then suddenly, it happend!! It may just be your body replacing fat with muscle.
  • Yes I have been working out every night for at least and hour. I do the wii and I have been using the biggest loser game.It kicks my butt. I did the same thing this week as last week. I just have to push a little harder I guess but it will be ok.:flowerforyou:
  • Hopin, I think you're right on all counts; 1 lb up could be anything, and if everyone is really exercising you will go up on average 5 lbs before you slack off again....been there done that many times over the after each kid. So AWW & JENN how do your clothes feel? That's what I go by...

    I did good, but no more lbs off...maybe next time.
  • How's everybody doing? I'm happy to report, although one day late...that I'm down 2 pounds!:happy: I didn't do that great on my water, but I'm sorta counting that unsweet tea I mentioned earlier. I'm addicted to it. I seem to do better during the week when I'm at school...weekends are too unstructured. Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • Just wanted to see if my ticker would show up! I'm still learning all this stuff, so for me it's exciting!:laugh:
  • hello, anybody there
  • Ok I have been sick all week since last Saturday. However being sick I have lost 5 pounds this week. That is a total of 10 pounds so far. Only 20 more to go.:happy:
  • AWW! that's great!! Sorry you were sick but glad you lost the five pounds!! :smile:
  • :tongue: Me to its a bad way to lose it but its off and I am going to keep it that way. Weight in again this morning down another 2 pounds. WOOHOO! Love this can barely keep my pants on. :happy:
  • That's great AWWW!! I'm back down the two that I gained back, so now I'm on track again!:smile:
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