You sound like me. I've had two bad knee injuries and put on a lot of weight, but this site has helped a lot. The app is great and I cant believe how much weight I've lost already Good luck :)
I try to make things from scratch.....but I make some really bizarre concoctions when I'm cooking.
Eyes and bum!
Yep, if I'm on a night out and we move off the beer and onto the spirits my friends seem to be genuinely shocked and annoyed if I order a JD and DIET coke!
I still ride regulary (everyday when I was in the forces) and Ive had ACL reconstruction on both knees so I kind of understand your concern. It took me while before I was jumping again but the strenght soon came back in my thighs which obviously helped me grip and took some of the strain off my knees.
Again thanks everyone!! Well I'm off out Friday so ill see how I far. End of night food is going to be the hardest, Ill just have to walk down the street with my eyes closed and ignore the yummy smells!! Workout with a hangover doesn't sound nice! But, no pain no gain and all that! I like the drinking water between drinks…
Seriously!! There was a lost boys 2??? Tremors 2 was pretty shocking!
People asking me to spot and then not returning the favour!!
Cheryl Cole is a geordie mate
Irish, French and deep south American... Love them!
Good inspirations
Actually Living or Just 'Being - I totally understand this!! That's what brought me here. I was "Mr Adventure" and was never afraid to try anything, I've pretty much traveled the world, had a great social life and lived life too the full. After having a family all that changed and the "rut" kicked in. Would I change it? Of…
Wow! Thanks everyone I understand the logging thing. I've been using the app on my phone and its really useful. And thanks for "scooby" thing it looks great. I think the not having "nights out" is going to be my biggest battle!
Haha a lot to take in there! But that's great! Thank you very much!