

  • your body has probably gotten used to the exercise you are doing. You might want to change it up with other exercise to shock the body back into its burning right, then in a few weeks return to the tread mill. I am by no means an expert, but i have one week left and then I will trade up exercises to challenge my body to…
  • Hi Amy, feel free to add me! 4lbs wow..wtg! It sure is a life style change, im going through the same thing. Some days are tougher then others. I can say that I think diet and exercise is like anything else that we implement into our lives..once done enough, over and over it becomes habit, a good one. I just started…
    in HI Comment by Serenitiblue June 2013
  • I do the same thing! I work in a very hot factory, thus eating tends to make me sick to my stomach. A month ago a tried drinking a protein shake in the morning before work, usually before coffee as well. It seemed to help in making me feel full most of the day. When I got home, I found I didn't gorge either. So I am…