patk613 Member


  • Unless you have health issues with sugars, I wouldn't worry too much about sugars. You will continue losing weight if you follow a few simple rules: 1. DO NOT eat unless you are hungry. 2. Eat ONLY until you are satisfied...not Stuffed & full! 3. ALWAYS sip on water or sugar free drinks while you are eating. If you follow…
  • Every 2 to 3 weeks I decided that I was going to "go off my diet" with 1 meal & eat all I want and anything I want. This way it helps me to stay more focused the rest of the time on keeping within my calorie count for the day. Just knowing that I will have 1 meal in the near future where I splurge makes it easier for me…
  • Some of what you say is true...however, the frame sizes are just a little different for some people. Example: my hands are very large for a female. Even when I was much younger (20's) I was a size 10 and I had to go, and still do) to the mens department for winter gloves because the fingers in womens gloves are way to…
  • Yes!!! I have a larger, Big Boned frame. I wear a size 10 shoe & I also have large hands. When I need a pair of winter gloves I have to go to the mens department & usually get a medium size. The fingers in womens gloves are too short & the width of the hand is too narrow. Even when I was a size 10 in clothes, I still…
  • All diet soda's are generally HIGH in sodium, which in turn makes you retain fluid, which keeps you from dropping the pounds more quickly. I have gone to unsweetened ice tea.
    in Diet Coke? Comment by patk613 June 2013