5:30, I get to the gym around 6. Warm up, lift, stretch, shower and to work by 8.
Hej! Välkommen till mfp! Jag heter John, heter du? I've been learning Swedish off an on over the past few years, but it's been awhile since I've looked at it, and that's about all I remember, haha.
1.5 inches in a month is pretty good, and the lack of weight loss is probably due to adding some muscle. You should be celebrating your hard work and results!
You'll typically burn more calories in 45 minutes of cardio than you will in 45 minutes of weight lifting. However, there are ways to increase your caloric burn during weights, such as circuit training, supersets, etc. Ultimately, if you want to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you take in, so if you burn…