My pouch I still have.
All of the answers provided are really good ones. Also, since you're female, it could be hormonal shifts causing these changes too (either directly or indirectly; I don't know).
Look at everything in the long run; it'll help you come to the conclusion that it won't hurt to do these things to keep you sane every so often and get you to where you want to be. Remember: it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. So, these things are okay.
Regained some youth! Good job!
I'm getting fatter just reading this thread.
Actually, it is true for MOST people, due to genetics, for the last place to lose body fat completely is in the mid section. Genetics play a huge role in how body fat is proportioned in your body. And weight loss will always come down to calories in vs calories out. Your lifting and various other activities help create…
Preach it, brother! EDIT: Thanks. Now I want some pizza for dinner. :P
Yup. Moderation will be beneficial in those situations. You can have a cake, pizza, or whatever; just don't over do it. It's not game-breaking unless you let it become that way.
Thanks everyone for the kind words! I hope this does help motivate and/or inspire someone to do more for themselves, because if I can, ANYBODY can! As the old Navy Chief's motto goes, "Results, not excuses!" I have every intention on staying in until I decide to retire 16+ years from now; not making the mistake of getting…
I can't hear you over all the cheat days I've had over the past year.
Agreed. Also, I remember reading a thread about a "sugar cleanse". Had me in stitches.
Here I was thinking that my situation was trivial, but here is someone going through something similar. Had an "old friend" who has always been holocaust-victim skinny recently mutter, "I didn't know you got THAT fat!" When put that way, it's like, "Woah! What's THAT supposed to mean, dude?!" Only thing I could do to keep…
Love this. Annnnnnd noted.
You can't quit sugar as it's in everything. Sugar quits you!
This thread.
Hell yeah girl! Good work! I agree with prior postings; dropping the weight has made you look a lot younger! :D
If you want something bad enough, you'll make it happen one way or another. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't think you want to change. "Results, not excuses."
A Brawny Lad. -A burger patty on rye bread, with a huge slice of onion.
1. The Staff Sergeant at my station who whines about my BMI measurements and tells me to do really stupid things to drop weight even though I'm doing just fine. He can't do the BMI taping right, constantly adding more inches on, despite everyone else in the station measuring me 3-4 inches below his measurements- including…
Your "nutritionist" is insane and should lose her job.
Been doing it since last December. I'll probably do it as a cross-training measure once the weather warms up since I've done it so much.
Because who wants to be some fat, weak loser anyways? Yeah, I just went there.
Thanks everyone!