

  • Done. Did in 2 sets.
  • Sore today so I changed my strategy. Did treadmill for 7 min, then knocked out the squats before I could get too tired. Then did my cardio. The cardio after the squats helped me not feel the soreness as much. Now 2 baby aspirin :)
  • I'm done with my 50. Did 35, then short break and another 15. Figured it was best to get as many done as I could right off the bat, and then I would have less to finish. Feel great, except going down the stairs my legs are feeling very weak! They are tired :)
  • Hi all- I'm Meg from Chicago. Just got a fitbit, and started on MFP. My goal is to lose 40 lbs and get down to somewhere in the range of where I was on my early 20's :) but as long as I'm toned up and feel great I'm not obsessing about hitting a certain number. I'm 44 approaching 45 very quickly. Really motivated to get in…