

  • age 34. Mother of 4 boys ages 16, 8,6, and 15months. Happily married for almost 10 yrs. At home mom looking to lose about 50 lbs and be healthy for not only me but my family. I want to be around for them.:happy:
  • I make my own taco seasoning too. Very simple and less fat, sodium and preservatives then pre made store bought. equal parts of- depends on how spicy you want it oregano (Mexican oregano works better and is cheaper) cumin paprika chili powder 2 tbs crushed garlic sea salt to taste. brown meat, when almost brown ,drain and…
  • This does seem to happen to me too. I'm an at home mom and I find myself eating when I'm not even hungry because I'm bored. I live in Minnesota with a 1 yr old so getting out in the winter months to exercise is almost impossible. I use what I have here sometimes but get bored with them as well. I know come spring it will…
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