New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    whoohoo had a sugar tooth craving bite me in the *** tonight! Check the food diary - Oreos, brownies, Chocolate Chip Cliff bar, Dark chocolate raspberry filled ice cream bars! Whooooo i made myself log it all and then got on my bike trainer and hammerd for 100min to burn off 1300 calories...sometimes your the hammer other days your the nail :-)

    stressful day all around and I was reaching for anything sweet.

    Sometimes when you start rollin' it's hard to put on the brakes! lol ... I hear ya ... thanks for sharing!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    A) Graham crackers and a bit of peanut butter. It's a bit sweet and filling. :happy:

    Hmm ... interesting. I don't think I ever tried that combo
  • age 34. Mother of 4 boys ages 16, 8,6, and 15months. Happily married for almost 10 yrs. At home mom looking to lose about 50 lbs and be healthy for not only me but my family. I want to be around for them.:happy:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Whole fruit strawberry popsicles. They have 80 calories and big chunks of strawberries. I also like dark Hershey kisses and I have actually gotten to a place where I can keep a bag in my house without eating them all! I have a little something sweet at the end of most days.
  • Fresh berries, or a Clif builder bar, it has chocolate crunchy things etc.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I crave salty things so the sweet isnt' much of an issue. When I do have the occassional sweet craving, I just eat something. Since it doesn't happen too often, I'm good there.

    Now salt is another issue. I just try not to have snacky salt things around. I get this really good salsa and eat that with a few chips and I am usually good to go. Not too many calories as long as I don't overdo it on the chips. The salsa doesn't have added salt so that's good too. :smile:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I have a massive sweet tooth that I'm working on getting under control, so I like granola bars with chocolate chips or a skinny cow ice cream sandwich as a fairly safe treat. I am eating the occasional sugar cookie or piece of chocolate in it's full fat entirety sometimes a little of the real thing is better than a lot of something 'sugar free'.
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    For me right now I would say the special K 90 calorie bars- chocolate pretzel, and sunflower seeds!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I crave salty things so the sweet isnt' much of an issue. When I do have the occassional sweet craving, I just eat something. Since it doesn't happen too often, I'm good there.

    Now salt is another issue. I just try not to have snacky salt things around. I get this really good salsa and eat that with a few chips and I am usually good to go. Not too many calories as long as I don't overdo it on the chips. The salsa doesn't have added salt so that's good too. :smile:

    I love salty crunchy things too....more than sweets. Air popped popcorn with hot sauce and parmesean cheese is my go to snack when I want this. Or a white cheddar rice cake. I can't keep things like triscuits, or any chip like food in my house.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I eat 5 gummi bears, but I suck on them until they dissolve so they last a long time. That usually takes care of my craving for the really bad stuff.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Well, unless I find a free wifi place up by the cottage (unlikely!) I will talk to you all again on Tuesday!!! I haven't Disappeared! =)

    Have a blessed weekend!!!! =)

  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    For everyday sweet cravings, I reach for low-cal hot chocolate, a mug has approx 40 kcal and is really satisfying.

    But for those days when anything short of sugar just won't do - there's a place nest my house that sells these wonderful marshmallowy snowball things. They are fluffy and yummy, covered in dark chocolate and sprinkled with coconut. And each quite big snowball only has 50 calories!! I loooove them...
  • Hey guys! I would love to join all of you. I'm 38, married for 21 years this year, and have 3 kiddos! I <3 this site, and it has helped me so much. I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • I am married with 2 little boys they are 2 and 1 oh I am 39 as of Jan 6th!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome to the group! Our originator is on vacation until Tuesday, he's done a great job of coming up with questions each day. Feel free to read through and answer the ones up till now.

  • Hey Matt!!!! Great little group you've got going here! Hope you don't mind me joining in.... Have a great weekend!!!! We'll hold down the fort for you at work.

    Let's see.....I am married (8/14/10), just turned 35 (1/26), and we're working on the kids. We had a week of positive tests back in July, but it didn't stick, so we're starting on the drugs now to help things along. So, while I'm dieting now, I'm actually hoping that soon I will be tracking food just to ensure I'm eating properly and getting enough calories into my system.

    I'm currently doing the 4-Hour Body slow-carb diet. It's been really easy to stick to and I've lost almost 4 lbs to date, and over 4 inches since I started it 3.5 weeks ago. I don't have many cravings anymore. Before this plan, I'd grab an apple or banana to cut the cravings. And I always have almonds and Fiber One bars in my desk in case of emergency at work.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    What to do without our facilitator for the weekend?! :smile: I have been enjoying the daily questions and think he's done a great job with keep the group rolling! Any ideas for a Friday question?

    How about this:

    FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    My answer: I work out Friday after work even though this have never been part of my regimine. Also, a new tactic is to schedule a run with a friend at some point during the weekend. Then I can't bail. I eat and drink more during the weekends so I have to offset it with something.

    Yay! It's Friday!

  • FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    Saturday is my free day, so I'm allowed anything I want and as much of it as I want too. I usually keep the day around 3000 calories, which is about double my maintaince calorie count. By the end of the day I'm usually so over full and bloated and card-overloaded that getting back to plan on Sunday is really easy. Plus, I have the time and energy on Sunday to actually just spend time in the kitchen cooking up healthy meals. It's the mid-week, Thursday night, exhausted from work then grocery shopping and still need to get a card put together, that I struggle with.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    FRIDAY QUESTION: What do you do to keep yourself on track during the weekend?

    I love the weekends because I have so much more time for workouts! I get a quick one in on Friday, but go at it hard on Sat with strength, and a lot of cardio on Sunday. I also limit myself to only going out to eat no more than 1x per week if the opportunity arises. And I make sure to have one glass of water for each beer. Keeps me full and not snacky.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I actually have an easier time staying on track during the weekends. I have a desk job where I get bored and want to snack. At home on the weekends there isn't much down time so I don't think about snacking. I also have much more time to workout since I'm not at work.
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