

  • I am currently doing P90X, it's a challenge especially with a busy work schedule and becoming motivated. I have to say I love the ab workouts and the plyometrics. They really work you. How does everyone feel about Insanity, I'm very tempted to try it considering its all you, no weights, no restraints!
  • Chobani is by fair the best, I enjoy strawberry, strawberry/banan, and raspberry, but all the flavors are enjoyable
  • You are probably losing fat but gaining muscle which means you won't see much of a change just yet! Besides the toning of your body! But that is a good sign if you are seeing changes
  • Instead of eating large meals throughout your day, eat 5 small meals. That way your metabolism is constantly working but you are also constantly eating so you won't feel as hungry, peanut butter is also an appetite suppressor.