

  • No harm in that! Enjoy your birthday!!
  • This is an excellant place to turn to help you on your journey. I've just started but if you take it seriouse and stay faithful to it, it's such a great tool! I've found the people here are really nice and it's very encouraging! We want to see you succeed. Good luck in yuour journeys and don't give up! My only…
    in Hi Comment by dancingkiddo January 2010
  • I was always the same way! Then I have a friend that actually took a picture of the side of a breakfast box and sent it to me. It talks about breakfast facts. He really turned me onto Carnation's Breakfast Essentials! That was actually where the picture came from! The side of the Instant breakfast box. It's a powder that…
  • Haha.. little Phoebe is the reason I have the muscles I do! she is a very active little girl but also loves to be held. She isn't a small child by any means! She has always been in the top percentiles for height and weight. She's in 3 year old clothes and just turned 2 a few months ago! LOL I wish she would slow down a bit…