
My name is Pam and i'm 39 years old, have three grown children and 2 1/2 grandchildren. I've been a member of MFP for a while but have never really taken it seriously, until now that is. In December I watched my granddaughter come in to this world and my first thought was how will I ever be in this world to watch her grow up if I dont get this weight off of me. I currently weigh 348lbs and my goal is to lose 5lb at a time until I reach a healthy weight. I dont know what the healthy weight is but that is a long ways away. I am open to all the encouragament and help I can get. There is so much conflicting information out there when it comes to weight loss, it's hard to know where to start. Good luck to all on their journey!


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hello Pam...... wishing you much success in your weight loss journey ... know that you can DO THIS ... good luck
  • slwolters
    I lost a bunch of weight a couple of years ago and since have gained it all back + some. My best friend and I have started working on this journey together and I will tell you, it's the best thing working with a friend or someone that you can count on.

    One piece of advice that I would give you is: focus on the weight that you have lost and not the weight that you need to loose. It's much more rewarding to know that you have dont it and you CAN do it.

    Good Luck!!
  • dancingkiddo
    This is an excellant place to turn to help you on your journey. I've just started but if you take it seriouse and stay faithful to it, it's such a great tool! I've found the people here are really nice and it's very encouraging! We want to see you succeed. Good luck in yuour journeys and don't give up! My only encouragement and motivation comes from here so I know it can help and be done... :-D