

  • I've been using 5# weights, but I think I'm ready to move up to 8# or maybe even 10# for some of the exercises. My biceps are pretty strong, but my back is week - those delt flys nearly kill me!! I started with 3# weights, so it's exciting to feel myself getting stronger!
  • "She does have some interesting catch phrases..." Lol! If I could "drop it like it's hot" I wouldn't need these DVDs!! At first she really annoyed me, but now that I've gone through all the DVDs a couple of times, I actually chuckle when she says one of her overused phrases or does a cheerleader kick. And I'm sorry, but…
  • I'll have to try the barefoot on a rubber mat trick! I have found that my feet don't hurt as much when I DON'T wear socks with my shoes. I think the socks make my feet slide around in my shoes too much, so going without socks gives me a little extra "grab' in my shoe. And so far no blisters! I started my second month of…
  • I went to a running store and got fitted for shoes geared towards aerobics (although I think they're just actually running shoes). Just wear some shoes that will be comfortable for jumping around in and you'll be fine. I don't think I've lost any weight (maybe a couple of pounds but I don't weigh very often) but I have…
  • Hi! I just started JNL June 3rd - I'm in the fourth week now. I was really intimidated to start it, but my niece convinced me that I could handle it. I've found them to be challenging, but not unbearable. I've never worked out 6 days in a row in my whole life before JNL and now I've done it for 4 weeks. It's a fitness…
  • I'd like to join the group too! I'm in the middle of Week 4 (did Speed and Agility this morning) and I'm enjoying these videos more than I thought I would. I've only lost a couple of pounds, but I feel like I am slimming down and I am getting stronger too. I still do most of the moves modified, but I'm getting better! :)…
    in JNL Fusion Comment by JillA71 June 2013